The Chronicle

Anti-vaccine protesters clash with police at city demo


HUNDREDS of people descended on Newcastle city centre yesterday for a huge anti-vaccine demonstrat­ion.

An estimated 300 people turned out to oppose the rollout of the Covid-19 jabs as well as the introducti­on of vaccine passports.

Demonstrat­ors initially gathered at Newcastle Civic Centre at around 1pm and were due to march through the city centre before being met by a huge police response.

Traffic on St Mary’s Place came to a halt during the demonstrat­ion, with hundreds of officers with cars, vans, riot shields, dogs and horses flooding the area.

Meanwhile, a police helicopter was flying above the scene to provide support to the massive police presence on the ground.

Northumbri­a Police advised people to avoid the area of the civic centre on social media while the anti-vax protest was taking place.

Officers created a blockade on either side of campaigner­s who were carrying flags and placards, saying: “Covid-1984 is upon us” and “Plans to vax 12 to 15-yearolds without parental consent”.

Some protesters clashed with police in nasty scenes, with multiple officers seen pinning people to the ground before being taken away to chants of “shame on you”.

It is currently unknown how many arrests have been made as a result of the protest.

Lorraine, 55, said it will be like ‘going back to the 1930s if vaccine passports are introduced across the UK’.

The number of cases per 100,000 people in Newcastle over seven days is reported to have dropped from 277 with 850 cases recorded in the week ending August 24.

Rachel, 44, said she thought it was ‘wrong to be giving the vaccine to children who have an extremely low risk of catching the virus.’

She added: “I’m against the use of vaccine passports. All they are doing is impact people’s lives, whether they be going for jobs to their social life.”

By around 3.15pm the demonstrat­ion had come to a close with protesters being dispersed in small numbers by police.

Northumbri­a Police has been contacted for a comment.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Protesters clash with police near the Haymarket Metro station in Newcastle
Protesters clash with police near the Haymarket Metro station in Newcastle
 ??  ?? Protesters gather near the Haymarket Metro station
Protesters gather near the Haymarket Metro station
 ??  ?? A protester makes his point while police look on
A protester makes his point while police look on

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