The Chronicle

Wasted money and broken promises


WELL, I have kept quiet for a long time, just listening to the things being said about everything this government has been saying and doing.

It would seem I am not the only person who is not impressed with the behaviour of Captain Boris Johnson as named by Dave Anderson in his letter of November 25. This government, as I have said before, is comprised of chummy chums of Johnson. I swear some of his speeches must be written by his wife. There is such a lot of codswallop in them.

This government has wasted so much of taxpayer’s money it is criminal. The going back on his promises shows just how little he knew about everything when he was elected as PM. He is a con man, a liar, a very definite cheat – not just in his public life but so it would seem to be in his private life. He would appear to have no morals in either his working life or his private life.

I wonder what the cost of sending letters to all households this week to explain to us about the HS2 situation, the paper, the envelope, the ink, the postage, the man hours!

Johnson has thrown away billions of pounds over and over again.

Why has there not been a vote of no confidence in this laughing stock of a government and a General Election brought about?

The whole lot of them should be sacked forthwith. They are supposed to be working for the people, as elected by the people, paid for by the people but they sure as hell are not doing their jobs, just trying to change rules and regulation­s to fit their own agenda.

Violet J Lattimer, Newcastle

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