The Chronicle

This is sexy, it’s dramatic, it’s life on a knife edge


- ■ Fatal Attraction tours from January 14 with Kym appearing in the role of Alex Forrest until March 5. The tour continues until May 7. Go to fatalattra­

Are you excited to be playing Alex in the UK tour of Fatal Attraction?

It’s a fantastic role, a real gift to me, and I didn’t think twice about it that’s for sure. When I left Coronation Street I said I wanted to take on other challengin­g roles and this is certainly that.

Glenn Close was unbelievab­le as Alex in the film and played that part so well and the whole movie had a stellar cast. I’m really looking forward to it.

The wonderful Oliver Farnsworth is playing Dan Gallagher in the new production with the lovely Susie Amy as his wife Beth. It’s just great to be doing theatre again. It’s been a while.

Have you had the chance to watch the 1987 film again?

My eldest David is now 26 and we were sat at home and he said ‘Shall we watch the film then?’ and so we put it on. (Laughs) His girlfriend hid her face in her jumper at the scary parts.

Of course, back then there was little talk of mental health but now there is no question that Alex is quite scarred. She’s the original bunny boiler and she did put the pet in the pot. I think it might make a few men in the audience think twice about cheating when they see the thriller... and I do love a good thriller.

This is sexy, it’s dramatic, it’s life on a knife edge.

Did you have to turn down Christmas feasting to get in shape for the tour?

Oliver and I were laughing about why we’re starting a show straight after Christmas. I was hiding the mince pies and Christmas puds. I gave myself Christmas Day to enjoy everything, but I’ve been looking after myself and going to the gym every day. I’ve been eating well. You have got to take care of yourself. If you feel rubbish or feel like you look rubbish then it shows. I’ll be prepared for the tour.

All your family were hit by Covid last year, how are you feeling now?

Yes, we all had it and it was horrendous. To be fair, I think I got away with it lightly. We’d all had one jab at the time except David’s fiancée and she was the one who caught it and then it was probably me who caught it next and it went to my chest.

It took a while for my voice to come back and I lost my sense of smell, but not my taste. It was strange cooking in the kitchen and not being able to smell anything. My son lost his sense of taste and smell. This was in July and it has only just started to return for him. It has taken a long time.

My youngest Polly had a temperatur­e for 48 hours and was really scared because she didn’t remember ever having a fever before. I nearly called an ambulance at one point because her temperatur­e was not coming down.

The virus is mutating all the time and you have to be careful. We were taking tests every single day during rehearsals. You have to. I remember walking through the West End in London when all the theatres were closed and it was such a shame. I’m so thrilled we can now go out there on tour.

Was it a perfect day when you tied the knot with Scott (Ratcliff, a major in the army Parachute Regiment) in October?

It really was. I met the man of my dreams and we got married at the Royal Memorial Chapel at Sandhurst. It was my fairytale. It was just a wonderful day and the place has got so much history. It was lovely to get married there.

Scott is going to come on tour with me when he can, driving me around at weekends. He says I was there for him when he was away and he now wants to be there for me. He is a very supportive husband.

What is in the pipeline for 2022?

I’ve filmed a new series of For Love Or Money for the BBC and I’ve done the odd Morning Live. When I left Coronation Street everything suddenly stopped with the pandemic, but I’ve been lucky to be able to do bits and pieces and now I’m back in the theatre. I’ve been able to do everything from presenting to acting during my career and I’ve been lucky in that respect. Not everyone is so fortunate.

There are also a few bits and bobs planned for the months ahead, but Fatal Attraction is certainly a great way to start the year.

Glenn Close was unbelievab­le as Alex in the film and played that part so well...

Kym Marsh with her Fatal Attraction co-star Oliver Farnsworth
DANGEROUS LIAISONS: Kym Marsh with her Fatal Attraction co-star Oliver Farnsworth
 ?? ?? Glenn Close and Michael Douglas in the original Fatal Attraction
Glenn Close and Michael Douglas in the original Fatal Attraction
 ?? ?? Kym Marsh and her husband Scott Ratcliff
Kym Marsh and her husband Scott Ratcliff

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