The Chronicle

Emissions tolls to go ahead amid backlash

- By DANIEL HOLLAND Local democracy reporter

CLEAN air tolls of up to £50 a day are still set to come into force in Newcastle this summer, as Manchester puts similar plans under review amid fears that the charges could cripple businesses.

Many motorists will be hit with heavy fees from July when a new Clean Air Zone (CAZ) is launched in the city centre in a bid to tackle illegal emissions levels. The charges will only affect older, high-polluting vehicles which do not meet environmen­tal standards and all private cars will be exempt.

Lorries, buses and coaches will be charged £50 per day to drive into the city centre if they do not comply with emissions standards, while the worstpollu­ting vans and taxis will be charged £12.50 per day.

Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham announced last week that his area’s CAZ scheme, due to start in April, would be reviewed after an outcry that has seen almost 30,000 people sign a petition calling for it to be scrapped and some businesses warn that the tolls could bankrupt them.

While Greater Manchester’s proposed charges are at similar levels to Newcastle and would affect the same types of vehicle, its toll area is much bigger – covering an area of 493 miles across 10 boroughs, while Newcastle’s only applies to the city centre.

North East drivers who will be affected by the new tolls also face a nervous wait to find out what financial support they will get to upgrade their vehicles.

Newcastle and Gateshead councils announced last year that they planned to offer grants of up to £20,000 per vehicle to help individual­s and companies make the switch to cleaner models, but that is dependent on the Government agreeing to pay for it.

A £23m request was submitted last year but ministers are yet to confirm whether or not they will fund the grants and applicatio­ns are not yet open.

A spokespers­on for Newcastle and Gateshead councils said: “Like Greater Manchester, the Clean Air Zone is being introduced in response to a government legal order, which is due to come into force this July.

“Both councils are committed to cleaning up our air but having the right financial packages in place to support drivers and businesses affected is a crucial element of this which is why we are seeking £23 million in funding from government.

“Whereas Greater Manchester’s CAZ covers the entirety of 10 local authoritie­s, our CAZ is concentrat­ed on Newcastle city centre but the package of support we are looking to provide will support smaller businesses and taxi drivers affected from across the region to help replace or upgrade older vehicles in order to lower their emissions and avoid being charged to drive into the CAZ.”

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