The Chronicle

Finance and friends

It really is OK to say you can’t afford that pricy holiday or cocktail bar – and that doesn’t mean you won’t see your buddies, says ABI JACKSON


FROM hen-dos that cost more than a holiday, to nights out that swallow up your salary – the pressure to keep up with friends can be financiall­y tough, especially if they earn significan­tly more.

If there’s ever been a time to get real with this stuff though, it’s now.

Prices are going up, up, up and soaring inflation is set to hit Britain harder than any other major economy during the current energy crisis, the Bank of England has warned.

So, where to start? And could saying no to things you can’t afford actually be really good for you?


Senior therapist and author Sally Baker (workingont­ says most people are feeling the pinch – and “that gives us all permission to be really honest about where we’re at, to express our reality about the cost-of-living crisis, because it’s impacting everyone”.

‘Personal finance cheerleade­r’ Jessie Leong, who shares relatable tips for transformi­ng your relationsh­ip with money via her Instagram (@howifundth­is) and ‘For What It’s Worth’ newsletter, says it’s OK to keep conversati­ons about money simple. “There’s a lot of fear that having conversati­ons about money means delving into the details of our finances, but it’s enough to say, ‘Things are a little tight at the moment’, says Jessie.

“You don’t need to delve any deeper than you want to.”


Seeing friends is really “about spending time together”, says Sally.

“We all realised during the pandemic we didn’t miss things – we missed people. So, it’s down to us to find ways of connecting, and making that inclusive for people we care about.”

Take the lead in suggesting cheap or cost-free get-togethers.

“I always try to offer a cheaper alternativ­e, whether it’s swapping a dinner out for breakfast or lunch, or inviting friends over, to show that even though I can’t afford the event or activity, it doesn’t mean I don’t value the friendship,” says Jessie.


Having a budget is key when it comes to taking control of your money. But how you approach it is important – and yes, you absolutely can factor fun into your budget. In fact, it’s wise that you do.

“People often hear the word ‘budget’ and associate it with restrictiv­e spending, but when used correctly, it’s a means to help you achieve your goals, or have money for the things you want to do,” says Jessie.

“To make a budget sustainabl­e, I strongly believe it needs to come from two sides – the mindset, and of course the money.

“When we spend our money on things that make us happy, and cut down on things in our control that don’t, we feel like we’re getting more for our money because we place higher value on the things we’re spending on.

“In terms of understand­ing what those things are to you, reflect back on some of your recent purchases and look at what made you truly happy, and what may have already lost its novelty beyond the thrill of the purchase, or was a purchase you made only out of habit or boredom.”

Spend time looking at where your money is usually going and how much you have to play with.

Jessie suggests: “If you’re looking to reduce your discretion­ary spending, do this in small increments instead of trying to cut down drasticall­y.

“Perhaps you’ll choose to spend £10 less this month, and another £10 less next month, until you reach a point where you’re spending less but not feeling like you’re missing out.”


If you’re aware you’re over-spending to keep up with friends, have an honest think about what’s driving that.

Are you embarrasse­d about earning less? Is it FOMO, the fear of missing out? Do you feel it’s more important to keep others happy than prioritisi­ng your own financial goals? Getting aware of what’s motivating our choices can be helpful.

If your friends tend to pressure or guilt-trip you, what’s that about?

“Friends shouldn’t be putting you on the spot or making you feel bad,” says Sally. “If that’s part of the dynamic, then that really needs looking at. You might decide: OK, maybe I don’t need to be so connected [to this person], I don’t need to feel so pressured. Or if I’m going to do everything, it’s going to really increase my stress levels.”

Sometimes it’s about being pragmatic. Sally adds: “There are social demands that feel very difficult to miss or say no to. But consider how the stress involved in increasing your debt is going to overshadow any pleasure of being in attendance.”

We all realised during the pandemic we didn’t miss things – we missed people. Sally Baker


Ultimately, there’s a lot to gain here.

“Those big group events, you often find you don’t get time to speak to the host, as they’re stretched trying to balance themselves out amongst all the guests.

“If it’s just something small and simple, it strips it down to the essence of why we’re doing this, which is wanting to spend time together,” says Sally.

Plus, by being intentiona­l with your spending, those special treats and splurges will feel all the sweeter when you do decide to splash out.

“I don’t believe in cutting anything that’s important to you, or you get genuine joy from. But by switching things up every now and again, not only are you saving, but it’s likely you’ll feel your social life is more rounded,” says Jessie.

“Even if you’re swapping one dinner for a coffee once a month, you’ll make some big savings over a longer period of time.”

 ?? ?? You can factor fun into your budget, just don’t overdo it to keep up with your pals
You can factor fun into your budget, just don’t overdo it to keep up with your pals
 ?? ?? Once a month, grab a coffee instead of going for dinner to cut spending
Once a month, grab a coffee instead of going for dinner to cut spending
 ?? ?? Seeing the important people in our lives doesn’t have to break the bank
Seeing the important people in our lives doesn’t have to break the bank
 ?? ?? Therapist Sally Baker and personal finance influencer Jessie Leong
Therapist Sally Baker and personal finance influencer Jessie Leong

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