The Chronicle

‘Noise concerns’ over street food market plan

- By DANIEL HOLLAND Local democracy reporter

A “bleak” corner of Newcastle city centre could be turned into a new street food market - but is facing objections from worried neighbours.

Plans are in the works for a £2.3 million overhaul of Princess Square, behind the City Library, that developers say would turn the area into a “foodie paradise”.

The proposed Newcastle Street Food venue, based on a similar venture in Edinburgh, would see part of the square and a floor of the Pearl building taken over by independen­t local traders boasting an eclectic range of cuisine.

But the idea has sparked fears among residents of the neighbouri­ng Bewick Court tower block, who claim that they would be left to “pay the price” for Princess Square’s transforma­tion because of the noise it could generate. Councillor­s are now set to deliver a verdict on whether the project can go ahead, after a Newcastle City Council licensing hearing on Tuesday.

Licensing lawyer Richard Arnot, representi­ng applicant Ben MacMil

lan, told the council’s licensing subcommitt­ee that Princess Square had suffered a “significan­t decline” over recent years and had become a “bleak” place and that the area between it and Saville Row was “effectivel­y an open toilet”. Referencin­g the local authority’s major

regenerati­on plans for Northumber­land Street, he added: “This is only yards away from our principal street, Northumber­land Street. There is so much happening in the city centre that we should be proud of, but it is a shame that Princess Square could be left behind.”

Mr Arnot said the food market, which is planned to open in 2025 if granted a licence, would deliver “significan­t betterment” and help resolve anti-social behaviour problems that plague Princess Square. He pledged that the market would be a food rather than alcohol-driven operation and seek to replicate the success of Edinburgh Street Food, which he said had attracted around 600,000 customers since opening last year with its collection of awardwinni­ng vendors.

But the scheme has drawn objections from Bewick Court residents,

who were previously critical of noise from the former Stack shipping container village that was on Pilgrim Street. Resident Trudy Curtis, who was among eight people opposing the plan, told the committee that she would support the regenerati­on of Princess Square, but not this way - warning that “the impacts are likely to be significan­t and it will be the little people who pay the price”.

Neighbour Malcolm Vine told the committee that the noise from the Stack had been so bad that it forced him to sleep in his living room and prevented him from opening his windows during the day. He accused the street food market developers of a lack of contact with residents and expressed concerns that the venture could take trade away from the Grainger Market.

He added: “I really don’t think drug dealers will stay away [from

Princess Square]. In fact, I think they will be attracted like bees around a honey pot.”

Mr Arnot insisted that Stack was a “totally different beast” and that it was “unfortunat­e that that misconcept­ion has grown legs and caused a lot of alarm”.

Northumbri­a Police and the council’s licensing, environmen­tal health, and public health officials all withdrew objections to the street food market’s licence applicatio­n after agreeing to a set of conditions restrictin­g the proposed venue’s activity - including a pledge that its outdoor seating area will shut at 10pm.

If approved, the market could open until 11pm during the week and 2am on Fridays and Saturdays. The council is due to issue a decision on the licensing applicatio­n within five working days.

 ?? ?? How Princess Square in Newcastle could look if turned into a new street food market
How Princess Square in Newcastle could look if turned into a new street food market
 ?? ?? General view of Princess Square in Newcastle City Centre
General view of Princess Square in Newcastle City Centre

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