The Chronicle

Let us reflect on a war-time miracle


AS our nation commemorat­es the 80th anniversar­y of D-Day on June 6, let’s remember that there wouldn’t have been a D-Day without the successful evacuation of Allied Forces from Dunkirk four years earlier.

At that time over 350,000 Allied troops were trapped across the Channel by the German Army and if they couldn’t be rescued, the UK would have been invaded.

Britain was on the verge of defeat. There could be no help from other European countries and America hadn’t even entered the war.

What happened next may seem strange to today’s generation, but to the people of wartime Britain it was perfectly natural. King George VI broadcast an urgent message to the nation, declaring May 26 to be a special Day of National Prayer and urged everyone to pray for Divine Interventi­on.

In response to his call, millions of people attended special church services, pleading for deliveranc­e. At one point the response was so great that the queue of people trying to get into Westminste­r Abbey stretched for a quarter of a mile.

Two events occurred straight after this National Day of Prayer.

Firstly, a violent storm arose over the Dunkirk region, grounding the Luftwaffe which had been killing thousands on the beaches. And then, secondly, a great calm descended on the Channel, the like of which hadn’t been seen for a generation. It was in fact this Channel calm, coming at that precise time, which permitted hundreds of tiny boats to sail across and help rescue 335,000 soldiers.

These two events happening when they did were so dramatic, that people named it “The miracle of Dunkirk” and Sunday, June 9, was officially appointed as a Day of National Thanksgivi­ng. The Bishop of Chelmsford Dr HA Wilson wrote, “If ever a great nation was on the point of supreme and final disaster, and yet was saved and reinstated it was ourselves… it does not require an exceptiona­lly religious mind to detect in all this the Hand of God.”

D-Day took place on June 6, 1944, exactly four years after Dunkirk. Allied Forces were once again in France, this time with the aim of liberating Europe from Nazism. As we commemorat­e this special 80th anniversar­y and reflect on lives lost to bring freedom, let us remember that it wouldn’t have happened without “The miracle of Dunkirk”. REV J WILLANS

 ?? FOX PHOTOS/GETTY IMAGES ?? The crew of the London-based tug Sunvill, one of the many small craft which took part in the evacuation of British and allied troops from Dunkirk
FOX PHOTOS/GETTY IMAGES The crew of the London-based tug Sunvill, one of the many small craft which took part in the evacuation of British and allied troops from Dunkirk

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