The Chronicle (South Tyneside and Durham)

Training ground as survey discovers no evidence of roost sites


These assessment­s have since been carried out by a combined 16 surveyors armed with EM touch bat detectors and night fox night vision binoculars.

During the first nocturnal survey, on May 12, no roosts were discovered and no bat activity was observed while a common pipistrell­e and a single noctule were heard but not seen during the second outing on June 1.

Although there were a number of external features suitable for roosting bats, including displaced roof tiles and mortar cracked on roof edges, crucially no direct evidence of bats was found inside the lofts or observed externally.

Therefore the risk to bats within loft voids was considered to be very low and because no roosts were discovered ‘no avoidance or mitigation was proposed in relation to the species and their roosts.’

When it comes to other wildlife, the ecological assessment found the site is suitable for supporting nesting birds as there are features present on the buildings they can utilise as well as ‘mature vegetation present along boundaries and foraging opportunit­ies associated with the vegetation and the playing fields.’

A pigeon nest was spotted by the surveyors in a Scots Pine tree but it is important to stress this would not be affected by the proposed extension.

The report, nonetheles­s, recommends building work taking place outside bird-nesting season, which is between March and August inclusive, and that active nests are left ‘undisturbe­d until eggs have hatched and chicks have fledged.

However, it is worth noting that, if planning permission is granted, Newcastle could start before then provided a survey by a suitablyqu­alified ecologist has confirmed the absence of nesting birds immediatel­y beforehand.

Finally, the site was surveyed during an ecological walkover for the presence of invasive non-native species.

Japanese knotweed and cotoneaste­r were both found and it has been recommende­d a specialist company remove them.

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