The Chronicle (UK)

Something radically wrong going on here


BORIS Johnson’s Downing Street staff rewarded themselves – and him – with an impromptu celebratio­n involving a birthday cake and a few drinks at their place of work in recognitio­n of Boris’s birthday.

Keir Starmer, accompanie­d by, we have been belatedly informed, Labour’s deputy leader Angela Rayner together with numerous others, indulged themselves and their staff in a beer and curry party in a

Labour celebratio­n in Durham.

Both leaders and their teams had been working on the main business of their day. Boris Johnson and his team on dealing with the weight of the Covid pandemic; Keir Starmer and his deputy and their team on political electionee­ring for the Labour Party.

Following an investigat­ion by the London Metropolit­an Police, Boris Johnson has been punished with a fixed penalty fine for breaking Covid restrictio­ns.

Apparently, Keir Starmer and his deputy leader, Angela Rayner, who both pressed for Boris Johnson’s “conviction”, have not been investigat­ed by Durham police, still less similarly fined for their transgress­ions, despite reports that “police bodyguards witnessed Sir Keir Starmer and aides sinking beer and eating

£200 of curry indoors during lockdown” at their Durham celebratio­n.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. But isn’t there something radically wrong here?


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