The Chronicle (UK)

Man who had sex with mum is spared jail


A MAN who engaged in sexual relations with his mother has been spared jail despite the “disgusting” nature of the offences.

The man had been estranged from his mother during childhood, but reconnecte­d with her upon returning to the North East, a court heard. He went on to have intercours­e with her multiple times while she was drunk.

The individual, whose identity is protected due to his mother’s status as a lifelong anonymous victim of a sex offence, was cleared of raping his mother after a trial but pleaded guilty to two offences of having sexual intercours­e with an adult relative.

Prosecutor Daniel Cordey told Newcastle Crown Court that the woman was heavily drinking at the time. He said: “In her words, he started to take advantage of her sexually. She would often binge drink and would be very drunk. Against that background, he was drinking as well. He had sex with her at least five times.”

The man, of Newcastle, was sentenced to a two-year community order with rehabilita­tion and told he must sign the sex offenders register for five years.

Recorder David Gordon told him people would be “disgusted at the thought of you having sex with your mother”. He added: “She had not raised you but that’s in no way to excuse your behaviour in this matter, which, as I say, will disgust many, but this is not a court of morals.” The judge added: “You stood trial in relation to matters of rape, much more serious offences, and the jury acquitted you in relation to those two counts.”

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