The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Angler dies in tragedy on rocks

Friends’ Frantic bid to save angus dad oF three

- Graeme Bletcher

AN ANGUS angler was swept off rocks to his death yesterday, despite a dramatic rescue attempt from his closest friends.

Brian Harvey (49), from Arbroath, died after a huge wave dragged him into the sea at Deil’s Heid point, on the cliffs just outside the town.

The fisherman’s wife Valerie (49) and his father Albert (80) last night paid tribute to the father of three and to his companions, Ronnie Coates and Davie Hannah, who tried to save his life.

It is understood Mr Harvey had been picking up fishing gear when the wave knocked him into the water at around 12.20pm.

Mr Coates called the emergency services as Mr Hannah ran down the steep bank and began desperatel­y throwing bags and other tackle to try to keep him afloat.

The men shouted to tell him to stay on his back and try to make it to shore, but the waves proved too strong and he was pushed under the surface.

Arbroath lifeboats were launched and crew members from the inshore vessel managed to recover Mr Harvey and tried to revive him.

Paramedics continued to work on him after the boats reached the harbour, but he sadly died at the scene.

Mrs Harvey said she had only recently celebrated her fourth wedding anniversar­y and was still in total shock after police officers told her what had happened.

“I’m still expecting him to walk through the door with a fish and me to be shouting and bawling at him for the mess,” she said.

“He used to go fishing every second weekend, right up the coast — he was very experience­d.

“He was a fantastic man. Everybody who knew him loved him. All of his work colleagues and his friends are in total shock. He was just one of those happy-go-lucky guys.”

AROUND TWO years ago, Albert was forced to give up going on fishing trips with his son due to his age.

He said he was struggling to come to terms with the loss.

“I was just speaking to him the other day. He came up to borrow a fishing reel from me and I told him that he had to be careful if he was going up to the cliffs.

“We were quite a close family and we used to go fishing together all the time.”

Bags containing bait appeared to have been left beside the rocks where the incident took place, just 50 yards down a slope from the coastal path.

A police van was on a farm track near the site until around 3.15pm and a crime scene officer was taking photograph­s of the area.

A handful of anglers continued fishing from the cliffs despite the drama less than half a mile away.

A spokesman for Tayside Police said: “At around 12.30pm, approximat­ely one mile east of Arbroath, a 49-year-old man was swept into the sea by a wave while fishing off the rocks.

“Two other fishermen with him contacted Aberdeen Coastguard and lifeboats were launched from Arbroath and Carnoustie.

“Aberdeen Coastguard maintained contact with the witnesses and the man was located quickly. However, despite efforts to resuscitat­e him, he died at the scene.”

Anglers from Elgin, Perth and Fife were in Victoria Park at the entrance to the cliff path when police and coastguard vehicles sped past.

Jim Scott (38) said: “I was standing on the edge of the cliff and I saw the inshore boat going first. It was fairly getting battered around by the waves.

“The main lifeboat came past and then the coastguard and the police came tearing up through the car park and up the hill.

“I wouldn’t say it’s dangerous to fish here but you have to be careful and have your wits about you.”

Arbroath councillor David Fair weather said: “This is an absolute tragedy and my thoughts are with the poor chap and his family at this time.”

Mr Harvey, who worked at Arbroath Infirmary for 16 years, leaves behind his three children from a previous marriage.

Police confirmed his next of kin had been informed but a formal identifica­tion would take place later today.

 ?? Picture: Kris Miller. ?? Anglers at Seaton Cliffs, Arbroath, yesterday. Inset — Brian Harvey.
Picture: Kris Miller. Anglers at Seaton Cliffs, Arbroath, yesterday. Inset — Brian Harvey.
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 ??  ?? Brian Harvey and wife Valerie on their wedding day.
Brian Harvey and wife Valerie on their wedding day.

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