The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Teen admits underage sex offence


AN ANGUS teenager yesterday admitted underage sex with a 13-year-old girl in his bedroom.

Lee Clark, 19, of Kirriemuir, was caught when the girl confided in a friend and the police were informed.

Clark also carried out a sex act on himself over a webcam while playing a game of Truth or Dare with a 14-year-old girl online.

The 19-year-old admitted the offences when he appeared at the High Court in Aberdeen yesterday.

Advocate depute Ashley Edwards said Clark and the 14-year-old girl got in contact with one another through Facebook.

The pair then started chatting online through the MSN chat site and their conversati­ons became flirty through playing Truth or Dare.

Clark ended up completely naked when they played the game online again the following night.

And he carried out a sex act on himself on his bed with the webcam on.

The schoolgirl dared him to repeat the act when they chatted on MSN on another occasion and he carried it out with his shorts on.

The schoolgirl’s teachers were later informed about the incident, which happened between February 1 and March 10 2011, and police were called in.

The court heard that Clark admitted to officers that he knew that the girl was either 13 or 14 years old.

Clark had sex with another schoolgirl a few weeks later.

He arranged to meet the 13-year-old girl at his house through a series of texts on June 12 2011.

The girl later revealed that she felt that Clark was being really persistent and repeatedly asked her for sex.

Ms Edwards told the court: “She felt it was going to happen and nothing was going to stop it so she gave up.”

Shortly after she went home, Clark received a text message from the girl stating: “I won’t get pregnant will I?” He replied: “No.” Clark was later detained and cautioned and admitted that he knew the girl was under the age of 16.

He was initially charged with rape, but his guilty plea to a lesser charge of having intercours­e with an older child was accepted yesterday.

Defence lawyer Matt Jackson said the Crown had recognised that the accused had honestly believed that there had been consent.

Sentence was deferred on Clark until January 8 when the case will be heard at the High Court in Glasgow.

 ??  ?? Lee Clark admitted offences with underage schoolgirl­s.
Lee Clark admitted offences with underage schoolgirl­s.

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