The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Courier’s poll puts us out in front


Sir, – Congratula­tions to The Courier for organising your poll across your entire circulatio­n area. The results, published on July 3, make fascinatin­g reading.

I’m pleased to note that, overall in Courier Country, there is a majority view of 51% to 40% that Scotland should remain a part of the United Kingdom.

Of the six areas covered by the poll, Dundee city stands out as the only one where the Yes campaign had a majority. This is hardly a surprise, as the SNP runs the council, has one MP and two MSPs.

However, in other parts of Courier Country, where the SNP has a presence, the votes have gone against them. Fife, Perth, Stirling and A ngus all returned convincing majorities for the Better Together camp. This simply highlights that the silent majority spoken about by the Prime Minister, David Cameron, believes that Scotland should say ‘No, Thanks’ to separation.

It is also true to say that The Courier poll is only a snapshot in time and the vote that counts is the one that will take place on September 18.

However, the clear message is, while some Dundonians remain to be won over, there is a growing majority who believe Scotland should not take the risk of separation but continue instead to enjoy the stability, the strength and the security that come from being in the UK. Joan Chalmers. 13 Bayfield Gardens, Broughty Ferry.

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