The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Rise in mobile transactio­ns


MOBILE PHONE and internet banking transactio­ns have reached nearly £1 billion a day, according to a new report.

The study by the British Bankers’ A ssociation (BBA ) and EY found the technology was used for transactio­ns worth £6.4 billion a week, up from £5.8bn last year.

It also said that banking apps for mobile phones and tablets were being downloaded at a rate of around 15,000 a day this year.

The Way We Bank Now report said contactles­s cards were increasing­ly popular and were expected to see spending rise to £6.1 million a week this year, up from £3.2m last year.

BBA chief executive A nthony Browne said: “This report shows just how enthusiast­ically the British public is embracing mobile banking, contactles­s cards and a range of other consumer-friendly banking technologi­es.

“The way we bank now has made it a lot easier for us to keep track of our finances, with far more options about how we spend our money and talk to our bank.”

Tariq Khatri, EY partner for digital f inancial services, said: “Digital banking is really shaking up the market, driving competitio­n and innovation.

“This is great news for consumers and also potentiall­y for the UK economy.

“The British public’s adoption of digital banking has reached critical mass this year and we believe the UK has a unique opportunit­y to achieve a leading position in digital banking.”

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