The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Dark Blues’ youngsters impressing Mcpake

- By Neil Robertson in Budapest

DUNDEE HAVE made nine new summer signings including James McPake but the defender admits two youngsters who have come up through the ranks at Dens have made a big impression on him.

McPake is working hard along with the rest of the Dark Blues squad at their training camp in Hungary.

The no-fear attitude of teenagers Cammy Kerr and Craig Wighton has really made him sit up and take notice.

McPake said: “I’ve been impressed by both of the younger lads here, Craig and Cammy. Sometimes when young boys go away on a tour like this for the first time you can see a kind of nervousnes­s within them.

“But that’s not the case with these two. I have to say that about them. They want to get involved as much as anything with the rest of the lads.

“I think they can both be star players if they keep working hard. They will learn from the senior players as well as the manager.

“If you have good kids coming through at a club then you have a chance of making some money that way as well.

“It’s early days, though, and they have to listen and do the right things. “But they have the potential to do well. “Sometimes young players will just try and get through the training and not do any more.

“Cammy puts himself about and shows the lads what he can do. That’s what you want to see in young players, determinat­ion to do well and make their mark.”

McPake has had a tough few seasons with injury but despite the gruelling nature of the Hungarian training camp, he is finally feeling in tip-top physical condition.

McPake said: “Pre-season is always a tough period.

“It’s about five or six weeks’ hard work which you just have to get through.

“I’ve not had a great time over the past couple of seasons in pre-season.

“Last year with Hibs was a bit better but I still had to be careful.

“I feel as though things are going well right now and I am firing on all cylinders.

“I will feel the benefit of that when the season starts, no doubt about it.

“We’ve had two hard weeks and I’ve not had any problems whatsoever.

“The great thing about a trip like this is that you are together all the time, training three sessions per day.You get to know each other which is a good thing.

“We’ve been able to sit in front of the big screen and watch the World Cup games which has been enjoyable, and adds to the team spirit.”

McPake admitted he had been impressed by manager Hartley’s summer signing business and that view has been strengthen­ed after working with them in Hungary.

He added: “The gaffer has done a lot of his business early. It’s players he knew already and had identified.

“I remember the last time Dundee got promoted so close to the start of the season.

“That was forced upon them. They didn’t have much time to prepare so it must have been tough.

“But the gaffer hasn’t left anything to chance this time.

“He’s got his signings in and everyone is knitting in well. We’ve probably made more signings than any other club in Scotland when you look around.

“These have not been panic signings. These are players he’s had his eye on. “It’s quality players he’s brought in. “There’s no way he would have wanted to rush about at the last minute like they had to do the last time.

“Two years ago, the club couldn’t prepare as they would have wanted.

“And I’m sure there will be more to come in.”

 ?? Picture: David Young. ?? Paul McGinn and Craig Wighton in training.
Picture: David Young. Paul McGinn and Craig Wighton in training.

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