The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Put separatist talk on hold


Sir, - It is excellent news that Perth is being put forward as the United Kingdom City of Culture.

The opportunit­ies are enormous and the potential legacy could be with us for generation­s.

Can we, therefore, get an assurance from our elected SNP representa­tives, at all levels, that they will not do or say anything which might put this bid at any risk, or disqualify us in any way?

I am, of course, thinking about their insistence that we remove ourselves from the union under which this opportunit­y arises.

When we gave our views on this in 2014, the result in Perth and Kinross was clear cut and decisive and we don’t need to hear the arguments for that again here for many years to come.

If we are spending money on developing this bid, and are genuinely in with a chance of winning, as your front page story, Perth favourite for City of Culture title (August 20) suggests, then it would be unforgivea­ble if we did anything to undermine it. Taking this particular issue out of the local agenda for five years would be a breath of fresh air for all of us, and we will likely all feel the better for it too. Victor Clements. Mamies’s Cottage, Taybridge Terrace, Aberfeldy.

It is a bizarre scenario when those favouring the union, who should be ashamed at the situation, gloat and support a union that has mismanaged the economy so appallingl­y

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