The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Man, 77, stalked woman, 36, for five months

COURT: David Milne admitted stalking woman 40 years his junior, making inappropri­ate and sexually explicit comments and sending letters to her home

- richard watt

An Angus pensioner has admitted stalking a woman more than 40 years his junior.

David Milne, 77, from Muirhead appeared at Forfar Sheriff Court and admitted a five-month campaign of sexual comments, letters, and staring at the woman outside her home last year.

The court heard Milne, who was born in 1938, repeatedly waited for the woman to pass, waved at her and attempted to engage in conversati­on, and made inappropri­ate and sexually explicit comments to her.

He later delivered letters to her home which contained inappropri­ate comments, stared at her, and stood outside her house.

Milne also admitted breaching bail conditions between March 10 and 30 this year, where he further attempted to wave the woman down at Edward Place and the Coupar Angus road, stared at her and threatened her.

The court previously heard Milne had minimised his offending during an interview with social workers, despite his guilty pleas by letter to the court.

Defence agent Billy Boyle, the third solicitor to act for Milne in the matter, said: “I am having considerab­le difficulti­es with this case.

“I’m put in a very difficult position where I have spent umpteen hours explaining the position (to Milne).

“I would normally withdraw from acting but for Mr Milne’s age and the background of the case.”

Sheriff Murray told Milne: “You’re a stranger to the court, and you had a situation which I frankly have not come across before.

“You have one of the, if not the, most experience­d solicitors in this area saying that he’s not sure what he should do.

“I warned you if you did not accept everything you said you did in this case, you may be remanded while I figure out what can be done with you.

“You very clearly pled guilty by letter through a solicitor and now you are saying ‘no I didn’t do it’.”

Sheriff Murray deferred sentence to December 1 for the preparatio­n of a psychologi­cal assessment, and continued considerat­ion on the Crown’s motion for a non-harassment order.

Milne, of Edward Place, admitted engaging in a course of conduct which caused a woman fear and alarm between January 1 and June 6 last year.

 ??  ?? Stalker David Milne arrives at Forfar Sheriff Court.
Stalker David Milne arrives at Forfar Sheriff Court.

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