The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Council carer stole cash from Fife OAP


A callous carer caught on camera helping herself to cash from a vulnerable grandad’s wallet was yesterday let off with a fine.

Stacey Quigley was working for Fife Council looking after an elderly man in Cupar when she was seen on a live stream set up by the OAP’s son.

Fiscal depute Jennifer Johnson told Dundee Sheriff Court: “Her duties were to go in to this man’s home and provide care throughout the day.

“His son set up cameras in the living room, mainly to ensure his father was in good health and not falling within the property.

“On a number of occasions he checked the footage and saw the accused picking up biscuits and the like, presumably having been told to do so.

“Around 7.45am on October 27, however, the video stream was watched and he saw the accused opening a drawer at the back of the living room where he knew his father’s wallet was kept.

“The accused was then seen to pick up a box of the man’s late wife’s jewellery and inspect it.

“She then picked up the wallet from the side of the chair and the velcro of the wallet opening could be heard.

“The accused was then seen to put something in her pocket.

“Police and the social work department were contacted.

“When cautioned and charged she made full admissions and said it was a ‘moment of madness’.”

Quigley, 26, of Centenary Court, Leven, Fife, pleaded guilty by letter on summary complaint to a charge of theft committed on October 27 last year in Kirkgate, Cupar.

Sheriff George Way fined Quigley £200.

He said: “This appears to have been an opportunis­tic offence and it is a first offence.”

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