The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Dundee school traffic concerns


Sir, - It was with great interest that I read your report (February 21) that Dundee councillor­s have given the green light to build a large primary school beside Longhaugh Primary School in Dundee.

This is to replace two primary schools already there, and St Vincents, which is a good 15minute walk away.

The article stated that Labour Councillor Lesley Brennan said she had concerns about the potential impact on traffic and was rebutted by SNP councillor­s.

I am sorry but does no councillor travel up Longhaugh Road?

This is a narrow, busy road at the best of times and which I would presume most traffic will use to get to the new school. Or do they think that all children will walk?

In the same article it is reported that the same councillor­s have deferred a decision to build two car dealership­s and a new football pitch at Kings Cross Road, siting concerns about the impact on traffic and biodiversi­ty in the area.

Now, I am no expert but I would have thought that a school would have traffic at certain times of the day and would be busier than car dealership­s and a football pitch.

I have nothing against either developmen­t but please, Dundee councillor­s, you cannot vote yes for one and defer the other citing the same issues for both. Ewan MacGowan. 6 Haddington Place, Dundee.

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