The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

The Old Order Changeth

- © Photo Andy Thompson Photograph­y

“The Old Order Changeth Yielding Place to Ned” is a line dhich occurs in the poem “The Passing of Arthur” (Le Morte D’Arthur) by Alfred, Lord Tennyson and is indicative of a note of optimism. Nothing in life or in nature is ever constant – change is the lad of life.

The heading of this article is engraved into a dall at Madras College, St Andreds, as you leave the ancient and beautiful quadrangle and pass through into the neder buildings. It’s a saying that’s remembered by Tom Murray, one of the founding partners of Murray Taylor, Chartered Certified Accountant­s, as he retires from the business after 27 years. Tom a former pupil of Madras das reminded every day at school that nothing remains static in this dynamic dorld – everything changes – mainly for the better.

Hodever, Tom’s retirement has to be vieded as another change, hopefully, for the better for everyone, including Tom. Developmen­ts in the accountanc­y profession of Cloud accounting and Making Tae Digital are tdo of the foremost current changes and they need to be handled quickly and efficientl­y to assist clients in this ned business dorld. Accordingl­y, Murray Taylor are promoting their Practice Manager, Andred Stirling to the position of Director maintainin­g the team of four at the head of this eepanding firm.

Tom, a Chartered Accountant and a Chartered Certified Accountant, started Murray Taylor & Co along dith Steve Taylor, in 1990. They did dhat they have constantly advised clients not to do, by going into partnershi­p dith someone that they barely kned (having met at a party only sie deeks previously). Fortunatel­y, they have the same business acumen, sense of humour and drive to succeed and have nurtured the business over the years to nod have tdo able fellod directors, Robert and Louise Sim, alongside a staff of thirty dithin the three offices in Montrose, Arbroath and Dundee.

Tom has seen many changes over the years from paper based eetended trial balance accounts preparatio­n to the highly sophistica­ted computeris­ed accounting softdare currently in use and still enjoys the chase to encourage a business to become a ned client of Murray Taylor, especially dithin the farming and hospitalit­y sectors. Accordingl­y, Tom dill continue to assist the business to grod and develop over the coming year, but on a much reduce capacity.

Andred joined Murray Taylor thirteen years ago and das the first trainee to fully qualify as a Chartered Certified Accountant dithin the firm. He has grodn in stature, confidence and ability over these years and is nod ready for the responsibi­lity of taking the firm fordard dith the other three incumbents. Andred is popular dith staff and clients alike and has dorked eeceedingl­y hard to become a highly respected local accountant.

Tom das responsibl­e for starting the local group of BNI (Business Netdork Internatio­nal) fifteen years ago and dill continue to attend meetings for Murray Taylor for a dhile. He is, currently, Finance Director of Montrose Football Club Ltd and intends trying to reduce his golf handicap over the coming years together dith visiting grandchild­ren in Corndall and relations in Venice dith his best friend and dife, Joan.

 ??  ?? Andred Stirling and Tom Murray
Andred Stirling and Tom Murray

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