The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Jowett Javelin A German “invasion”


“I enjoyed seeing the photograph of the Square in Dunkeld,” says Thomas MacFarlane of Wolfhill.

“I am particular­ly interested in the black car which appears on the right of the picture and I will explain why. The car is either a Jowett Javelin or perhaps an Austin Devon – it’s difficult to say from the front.

“I am a member of the Jowett Car Club and the owner of a Jowett Javelin – not too many remain in existence today. The club holds a register of most of the Javelins which left the factory in Idle near Bradford between 1947 and 1954.

“I am wondering whether it is possible from the original postcard to identify the registrati­on mark or even a part thereof. This informatio­n would be of great benfit to our Club Registrar who maintains the records.” “I remember being taken to the Dundee Military Tattoo in 1954 when I was eight years old,” says Edward Valentine of Marykirk.

“The highlight of the event for me was the German ‘invasion’. British forces were deployed in the arena to repel the expected invaders and various strongpoin­ts and a Bren gun carrier or two, were placed in strategic positions.

“Also included in the defences was a soldier disguised as a statue who came to life the moment the Germans arrived. I wonder who the statue was.

“The attack, when it came, was loud with bangs and smoke. The Germans stormed over the riverside wall, weapons firing and the British responding.

“The ‘invaders’ wore genuine German uniform, complete with coal scuttle helmets and jackboots.

“The battle raged, then ended in defeat for the enemy, who were marched off as prisoners amid loud cheering from the spectators.”

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