The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Ban for woman who dumped dog in bin to die

Pet was left without care or treatment for almost a month last year

- Jamie BeaTson

A woman who neglected her dog then dumped it in a bin to die was yesterday banned for life from keeping animals.

But Heather Stott avoided a jail term after letting pointer crossbreed named Dougal go without care or treatment for emaciation, dehydratio­n and dental disease for almost a month last year.

She then went on to dump the dog in a commercial wheelie bin in Dundee’s Dundonald Street – yards from her home – on April 14 2016.

The dog was found by a member of the public alive – but severely malnourish­ed and unable to stand. They called in the Scottish SPCA, whose inspector found Dougal partially inside a black bag.

He was immediatel­y taken to a vet who decided the only humane option was to put him down.

Stott’s solicitor claimed she thought the dog was already dead when she dumped it.

Stott, 58, of Court Street, Dundee, pleaded guilty on summary complaint to two charges under the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act.

She admitted that between March 19 and April 15 last year at her home and elsewhere being responsibl­e for the dog caused it unnecessar­y suffering by failing to provide him with adequate care and treatment as he suffered from emaciation, dehydratio­n and dental disease.

Stott further admitted that on April 14 and 15 last year at Dundonald Street and Wolsley Street, Dundee, she abandoned Dougal in such circumstan­ces that were likely to cause unnecessar­y suffering and abandoned him in an industrial waste bin without access to nutrition and water and with no means of escape.

Her sister, Norma Stott, 71, also of Court Street, Dundee, earlier had her not guilty plea accepted by the Crown.

Depute fiscal Trina Sinclair said Stott had no previous conviction­s.

Defence solicitor Theo Finlay said: “She effectivel­y inherited this dog from her son around four years ago. “The dog was 16 or 17-years-old. “Ultimately it was put in this bin. “She was disposing of what she thought was the corpse.

“The dog had developed an obstructio­n – a benign mass – that was preventing it from getting nutrition and it had renal problems leaving it dehydrated. “She thought it had died. “She has shown increasing remorse. “She lives with her aging sister who has limited capacity and she has been distracted and allowed this to continue for a period of time.”

Sheriff George Way imposed a disqualifi­cation order banning Stott from owning or keeping animals indefinite­ly. He also placed her on a community payback order with 80 hours unpaid work.

The sheriff said: “I’m sure she didn’t really intend this to happen in the way it did. By the same token, if you have a dog under your care I can’t send out a message that it is acceptable.”

Speaking after Dougal was found, Scottish SPCA Chief Inspector John Carle said a local inspector had been forced to climb into the metal bin to rescue the animal.

He said: “The dog was estimated to be between 10 and 12-years-old so we have to consider that he may have been abandoned due to his age, which is unthinkabl­y cruel. This poor dog would have been absolutely terrified.”

 ??  ?? Pointer crossbreed Dougal, left, was abandoned by Heather Stott.
Pointer crossbreed Dougal, left, was abandoned by Heather Stott.
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