The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Man who tried to blame twin brother tagged for glass attack


A man who tried to avoid charges for smashing a glass over a good Samaritan’s head by blaming it on his twin brother was spared jail yesterday.

Liam Gray was drinking with his brother in Dundee when his attempts to chat up a woman outside a bar were rebuffed.

An argument then ensued when he hurled an insult at one of her friends – prompting Graham Ellis to step in between the warring parties to try and restore peace.

Instead, Gray smashed a glass in his victim’s face, leaving him permanentl­y scarred.

When he was arrested jobless Gray refused to take any blame, instead telling police: “It wasn’t me – I didn’t glass anyone.

“If anyone did it would have been my brother.”

Yesterday, depute fiscal Kirsten Letford told Dundee Sheriff Court: “The accused made a derogatory comment to a female and an argument ensued.

“At this point Mr Ellis stood in between them as the argument escalated.

“The accused lifted his arm and struck Mr Ellis in the forehead with a glass.

“He was taken to Ninewells Hospital where they found glass still within the wound. It was removed and stitched and will leave a permanent scar.”

Gray, 20, a prisoner at HMP YOI Polmont, pleaded guilty on indictment to a charge of assault to severe injury and permanent disfigurem­ent, committed on March 19 in Dundee’s Union Street.

He was on three separate bail orders at the time.

Sheriff Alastair Carmichael imposed a restrictio­n of liberty order for four months, confining him to his home address from 7pm-7am every day on an electronic tag.

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