The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Paedophile teen faces custody for sexual blackmail demands

Teen threatened to wreck young girls lives to get them to perform lurid acts on video


A teenager blackmaile­d underage girls into sending him sexually explicit videos and pictures – then used the images as a “finder’s fee” to UK paedophile­s willing to help him identify new victims.

Glen Allan Wilson – now a student at St Andrews University – was a straight-A Dundee High pupil when he began preying on children in the most aggressive fashion.

Using a string of aliases and hiding behind a huge number of profiles, he targeted girls aged between 12-15 in Scotland, England and Wales.

Through secret communicat­ions he persuaded his victims – whom he knew to be underage – to send indecent images.

Once they had been sent, Wilson, now aged 18, threatened to destroy their lives if they did not engage in increasing­ly depraved acts on video. The offences began when he was 16.

Appearing at Perth Sheriff Court, Wilson pled guilty to 23 of the 49 charges he had initially faced, all carried out between September 10 2015 and June 14 2016.

They related to eight girls, who were aged between 12 and 15. Wilson, of Longforgan, admitted sending sexually explicit messages to girls.

He also admitted inducing them to send indecent images of themselves and engaged in sexual activity by means of social media.

The teen also coerced and extorted them into recording images and videos with the intention of menacing them and putting them in a state of fear and alarm, and threatened to send indecent images to family and friends and publish them on social media unless they provided him with further images.

He also admitted making, being in possession of and distributi­ng indecent images of children.

Wilson had 697 images and 246 videos showing children aged between three and eight being seriously sexually abused.

Sheriff Gillian Wade rejected calls for him to be released on bail and remanded him ahead of sentencing on September 13. He has been told it is almost inevitable he will be sentenced to a lengthy period in custody.

The court heard even being told by a 12-year-old girl that he had pushed her to the point of suicide was not enough to stop his threats.

Though he was convicted of preying upon eight girls, investigat­ors found he had sent the same blackmail message 450 times.

The message was enough to frighten most of his victims into sending further videos until they eventually called his bluff, called the police or Childline, or their parents intervened.

On one occasion, he told a victim that he had “offered a client” a Skype session with her. He then used threats to persuade her to perform sex acts while at least one unidentifi­ed male watched.

On another occasion, when one of the girls stood up to him, he issued her with a countdown to her images being made public.

When her parents intervened, he texted to say the threat had been “a bluff”.

The court was told he had offered links to a Dropbox account filled with indecent images and video which he was offering to paedophile­s across the UK for details of “further potential victims”.

 ??  ?? Glen Allan Wilson threatened to destroy young girls’ lives if they did not engage in sex acts on video.
Glen Allan Wilson threatened to destroy young girls’ lives if they did not engage in sex acts on video.

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