The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Plain and simple


“Our diamond wedding approaches and all those years of marriage have taught me a thing or two about the benefits and disadvanta­ges of this arrangemen­t,” writes a Craigie regular.

“We men are blessed in so many ways with our spouses’ skills and devotion to our care and comfort, but there is one department in which I reckon the masculine approach is better and that is the best use of living space.

“As a bachelor in army, student and hostel accommodat­ion, I, like my fellow students and soldiers, had no use for ornaments, cushions and unnecessar­y decoration or furniture. Men like space to move about freely and quickly without tripping over stools, footrests or magazine racks.

“The ladies, on the other hand, seem to have an irresistib­le urge to fill every space with cushions, knick-knacks, ornaments, photograph­s, tapestries – you name it, they want to find room for it.

“My late sister’s drive to decorate and embellish was such that crossing her lounge was like taking part in an obstacle race. Her particular favourite was teapots, of which she had an extensive collection.

“Since retirement, my wife has developed a mania for boxes of all shapes and sizes, tapestries and tapestry-covered cushions. So scarce have unencumber­ed surfaces and empty spaces become that I am contemplat­ing buying the house next door – not for the collection, but for me!”

 ??  ?? “The goldfinch is a lovely wee bird and seems to like something about willowherb which is out in force every summer along the cycle path near Tayport,” says Eric Niven.
“The goldfinch is a lovely wee bird and seems to like something about willowherb which is out in force every summer along the cycle path near Tayport,” says Eric Niven.

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