The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

An age-old problem?

As Scotland’s population ages and the state pension retirement age rises, a study has found that older people who are not in employment are less likely to feel “worthwhile”. reports

- Michael Alexander

When the UK Government announced in July that the state pension age would be rising from 67 to 68 in 2037, and with the possibilit­y of further age rises in future, it left millions of people under the age of 47 wondering if they will ever get to retire.

In contrast to the fortunes of many from the baby boomer generation who seem to enjoy endless holidays and mortgage-free lifestyles, the reality of shrinking pension pots, rising costs and job insecurity means that younger workers face the prospect of having to pay more for less – with little guarantee of what returns there might be at the end, whenever that end might be.

But according to new research, retirement might not be all it’s cracked up to be. Glasgow University researcher­s have found that older people not in employment are less likely to feel “worthwhile”.

The study of more than 1,500 men and women aged 55 to 70 in the west of Scotland found that being in work provides individual­s with a sense of “value to society”.

But this diminishes after leaving the workplace even through retirement, the study found.

The study, published in the journal Occupation­al and Environmen­tal Medicine, found those who are retired, home-makers, unemployed, or not working because of sickness or disability are more likely to feel their status results in poorer social and mental engagement and lower self-esteem. They were more likely to report feeling lonely and isolated and less likely to report being sociable, making use of their abilities and feeling worthwhile.

The authors wrote: “These results support the notion that, in addition to financial rewards, employment provides individual­s with a sense of belonging and value to society, which diminishes after leaving the workplace even when this exit is through a potentiall­y positive route such as retirement.”

With people expected to stay in work for longer and Scotland’s population ageing, it’s certainly an issue that’s here to stay.

The 2011 Census figures showed there are now more people aged 65 and over than under-15 in Scotland and the proportion of older people in the workforce is increasing. Scottish Government labour statistics for 2016 show that those in the 50-64 and 65+ age groups are more likely to be retired or long-term sick, with just 68.8% and 9.1%, respective­ly, of the workforce in work. Yet barriers like employer discrimina­tion, obsolete skills and competitio­n from younger workers persist.

Brian Sloan is managing director of charity Age Scotland. He said: “There are many reasons why some older people have poorer social and mental engagement, including loneliness and isolation, but for far too many older people their inability to continue in employment when they want to is a major contributi­ng factor.”

Dundee Age Concern – which is based at Caird Avenue – has been providing day care for older people in the city for 70 years. Clients are mainly over 80 and enjoy light entertainm­ent, activities and, often, just a blether with their peers. But senior manager Patrick Delargy says it’s significan­t that a number of volunteers who come in to help are in their late 60s and early 70s.

“You find that a lot of retired people who are fit and active still have a lot to give, so coming here to volunteer gives them that sense of purpose,” he said, adding that questions remain about the realities of expecting people to work indefinite­ly into older age – especially if they work in physical labour where that might just not be possible.

This is a view shared by a former manual worker in Fife, now aged 67, who said: “I couldn’t wait to retire in my late 50s and have thoroughly enjoyed going on holidays and spending more time with the grandchild­ren. But retirement is pointless if you don’t have your health. It also helps if you’ve got a good pension. Unfortunat­ely, not everyone does!”

It also helps if you’ve got a good pension

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