The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Change in conditions help Kingennie fishing

- If fisheries, clubs or individual­s wish to contribute to this column email sales@angusangli­ or contact Neil Anderson on 01307 466366 or 07759 022503). Tight Lines!

It’s starting to feel like autumn during the last week at KINGENNIE with the nights starting to draw in and cooler temperatur­es during the days, writes our angling correspond­ent.

This has helped with the fishing, with the fish starting to become a bit more active.

Some of the rain recently has helped with keeping the water topped up and pretty clear across the ponds.

The Boathouse has been fishing very consistent­ly, with most anglers getting among the fish.

The methods have been fairly well varied with all the usual tactics working at times.

The fish have been moving around a bit but the top end of the pond seems to be the most consistent area.

The Woodside has been fishing really well with lots of good fish coming off with an average size of over 2lb being caught.

Powerbait is still the best bait at the moment, fished on the float around five feet deep.

Over the weekend 52 anglers landed 114 fish for a total of 248lb. The biggest fish of the week was caught by Mr Whyte with a 7lb 3oz rainbow caught on sweet corn.


LOCH. The top of the loch is still out of bounds but good hard fighting fish are still giving very good sport across the rest of the loch.

D Lennon and J Jeffrey had eight good fish in a short session for 16lbs 12oz, while S Ferrier and D Cameron had seven out with M Ferrier and D McPhearson, who had eight in total for 30lbs 14oz.

Discovery AC had five boats and caught 29 fish for 60lbs 8oz with 10 fish returned, while BRAX AC had three boats and took 12 for 23lbs 9oz with seven returned. Lochgelly AC had seven boats and caught 30 for 63lbs 12oz with 21 returned, Arbroath AC took five boats and had 27 for 54lbs with eight returned sand Newtyle & Meigle AC took four boats and had 24 for 44lbs 8oz with five returned.

At the LAKE OF MENTEITH there is still a bit of algae ready to appear on windward shores or when the wind drops but it is only a thin skim if it appears.

The fish are readily taking dries just know especially if the flies are properly presented and the nylon degreased, but the current trendy method is a medium length sink tip with booby and diawls.

Change A team (Jock Kettles, Andy Dunn and Kevin McCabe) used this to good effect last Friday to win their Scottish Club Championsh­ip Semi Final. The fish are fairly spread out just now but good areas are Gateside Bay, Stable Point, Sam’s Point and Rookery.

LOCH LEVEN. Some big fish are now appearing pretty much all over the loch, mainly jumping clear of the water in what is usually a sign of pre spawning trout preparing themselves for their annual activities to come in the burns in a few weeks’ time.

Best drifts over the last week have been the open water between Reed Bower and St Serfs, East and Mid Buoys as well as from Gairney mouth all along to Carden Bay.

Traditiona­l flies are still accounting for most of the fish being caught, particular­ly doobry, Kate McLaren and black pennell. Various snatchers, dabblers and muddlers are also worth a try.

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