The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)


gives today’s prediction­s

- Our resident astrologis­t CLAIRE PETULENGRO

ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)

Never underestim­ate how much those who love you will do for you. What you think, you become Aries. Ring now to hear more about this opportune month.

TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)

Don’t say things just for effect today, but stick to facts. I see that you’ve fought your battles with confidence and maturity. This week you find out how much others admire you. Ring for details.

GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)

As an unpredicta­ble mood befalls you, it becomes clear that you only have half the facts to make some of the most important decisions in your life. Ring now for strength and clear vision.

CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)

Be unique Cancer, it’s who you are and it’s what will take you onto one of your most exciting paths in life. Phone calls and texts help you plan a really exciting week. Ring now for more on your amazing future.

LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)

Your pride is standing in the way of you admitting what you really want. I know this has not been the easiest of years for you. Ring to hear why tests can go so well now.

VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)

First impression­s count for more than you may realise this week. Try not to act as if you know more than you do. Ring to hear who’s worth reigniting contact with from the past.

LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)

Try not to take unnecessar­y risks with your career. You could end up undoing the good work you have done so far this month. Listening when others talk today can help you learn much. Ring now for a peak at what’s to come.

SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)

It’s really important that you take care of your finances this week. Saving not spending can help you turn a hope into a possibilit­y. Ring now for a gameplan to inspire.

SAGITTARIU­S (November 23rd-December 21st)

The planets make this a really lucky time for you socially. You start to mix with more like-minded people and you no longer worry about what looks right. Ring now to make the most of your future.

CARPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)

If you overspend then you are only going to limit your choices for the weeks ahead. You know what needs to be done, so don’t pretend to be naïve. Call for inspiratio­n.

AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)

Passion is strong in your chart and if there’s anyone you’ve fallen out with that you’d like to make up with, then this is the day to do it. Ring now for life in full colour.

PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)

Responsibi­lities will be placed on you which will prove you are ten times more capable than you gave yourself credit for. Worries about a close one are given fresh hope by informatio­n they give you today. Ring now to take back control of life.

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