The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Being mindful: Rohan Gunatillak­e

HMS Unicorn, Dundee, December 2

- michael alexander www.frigateuni­

He is the best-selling author of books on mindfulnes­s whose latest is about how to use your smartphone and technology to be calm and happy – an unusual concept in this age when we’re told to switch off tech to unwind.

But ahead of a Book Week Scotland event he is speaking at in Dundee tomorrow, Rohan Gunatillak­e insists there’s no reason why technology has to be abandoned to bring calmness to life.

“What if, in order to be mindful, calm and happy, we don’t have to stop and switch off from modern life?” says Rohan, whose book Modern Mindfulnes­s offers practical techniques and principles to achieve just that.

“What if we can use our phones and technology in a practical way to help us be aware, composed and kind, wherever we are and whatever we are doing?”

Rohan, 37, who was raised in suburban London, is the creator of best-selling app buddhify, and is one of V&A Dundee’s Design Champions.

The Glasgow-based chemistry graduate, who worked in the fast-paced technology sector after graduation, will discuss his book, his approach to mindfulnes­s and answer questions when he speaks at the Book Week Scotland event aboard HMS Unicorn.

“There’s been a real growth of interest in mindfulnes­s and meditation in recent years,” he says. “but despite all the interest there’s been, the majority of people who say they are interested in meditation don’t do anything about it, and the number one reason for that is, ironically, because they don’t have time, or it’s too hippy or they say: ‘I have a switched-on digital life and I can’t afford to turn it all off’.

Rohan summarises these scenarios as “the time problem, the hippy problem and the technology problem”.

However, as far as he is concerned, the time problem is the key. “When people think of meditation,” he adds, “they think of people with their eyes closed, sitting down for half an hour doing formal meditation.

“What I encourage and evangelise is more ‘on the go’ or ‘mobile’ meditation where you can basically practice the same techniques wherever you are or whatever you are doing.

“I’ll also be talking about how, over the last 40 years, mindfulnes­s and meditation has gone from being a religious, spiritual niche experience to an emerging global well-being phenomenon.”

Rohan is also keen to paint an optimistic view of the ability of technology and mindfulnes­s to co-exist in future – because technology isn’t going to go away. He adds: “Everyone talks about digital detox and turning off your phones. But it’s up to us to become more literate in engaging with technology that is actually good for us.”

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Rohan Gunatillak­e.

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