The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Whither my Dundee?


Sir, – I agree with Jim Barlow’s letter (“V&A will not cure city’s ills”, January 23).

As an 85-year-old, born and bred Dundonian, it has been my misfortune to stand by, powerless, as so many of the more attractive architectu­ral features and areas of the “toon” were destroyed simply because it was cheaper, not to say expedient, to demolish rather than preserve.

Anyone who can remember the original Overgate and the Wellgate will recall, especially on a Saturday, how both thronged with shoppers.

Surely, given the example of Edinburgh’s Royal Mile, we could have had something more pleasant and attractive than shopping malls without character and too many vacant premises?

However, Dundee has been, for some considerab­le time now, subjected to a series of planning decisions, resulting, in my opinion, in the undoubted downgradin­g of the city, for which the planning department must take full responsibi­lity.

Regarding Mr Barlow’s comments on

the V&A and the £80 million outlay, his suggestion­s as to how that sum could have been used to the benefit of society, particular­ly in need, cannot be denied.

Sadly, it would appear that due to profligate mismanagem­ent, those funds are now well beyond our reach.

I am also in total agreement with Mr Barlow’s views on the claims the V&A is to “grow the community”. The old adage – “Pie in the Sky” comes rather too readily to mind!

As for the oft-discussed despoiling of Dundee’s waterfront, may I say that when it comes to desecratio­n, the planting of that hulk right by Discovery and the Point comes top of the list. Ian Kennedy. 1 Gray Den, Liff, Dundee.

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