The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Russell to brief peers on EU Bill concerns


Scottish and Welsh ministers are to brief peers on the need for key Brexit legislatio­n to be amended.

Scotland’s Brexit minister Michael Russell and Welsh counterpar­t Mark Drakeford will be in London today in a bid to impress upon the House of Lords their concerns about the impact of the EU Withdrawal Bill on the devolution settlement.

The joint event takes place ahead of the Bill’s second reading in the Lords tomorrow and Wednesday.

The Scottish and Welsh administra­tions have said they cannot recommend consent be given to the Bill in its current form, branding it a “power grab”.

Amendments to the legislatio­n promised when it was before MPS in the Commons did not transpire meaning that changes will have to be made in the Lords.

Speaking ahead of meeting with peers at Westminste­r, Mr Russell said: “Along with the Welsh Government, we have made clear we are unable to recommend consent to the EU Withdrawal Bill in its current form.

“That’s because it disregards the devolution settlement by allowing the UK Government to take control of clearly devolved policy areas like farming and fishing.

“The Scottish and Welsh Government­s published amendments to the bill as far back as September to fix this issue.

“Unfortunat­ely, the UK Government chose not to accept those amendments or to meet their commitment to bring forward their own amendments in the House of Commons.

“As the Bill moves to the House of Lords, it is vital that peers are informed of our position and I look forward to explaining how devolution can be protected.”

 ??  ?? Meeting – Michael Russell.
Meeting – Michael Russell.

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