The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Station yourselves at the entrance and make sure those two men don’t escape

- By Roy Stewart

Watching Ellie’s banter with the Redcoat captain had amused Ewan Ogilvie, although the girl’s easy affinity with the man brought stabs of unease.

When Ellie left the soldiers to their soup he turned his thoughts back to more important matters. John Porteous had been instrument­al in recruiting over 50 wealthy Jacobite supporters, many of whom regularly attended this Mission House to discuss how they might transfer the funds they’d collected to some central location.

Exactly where had not been decided, although Ewan would doubtless come up with a suggestion. However, as Miss Mclaurin had warned Porteous of the proposed raid by the Redcoats, nothing could now be achieved this evening. Ewan was aware that the soldiers also sought him in his role as Jacobite agent, but although they cast glances in his direction he knew they had no idea the man they wanted was actually sitting a mere eight feet away.

Ewan was afraid for Porteous, the spy group’s leader. He knew he had aroused Robert Marshall’s suspicion. At that moment John Porteous entered, a bible clasped in his hand. “A lovely service!” he cried to no one in particular. “Pastor Mcallan is surely God’s gift to us all.”


“Hallelujah to that, brother!” Ewan cried, jumping to his feet. Taken aback, the older man recoiled slightly as Ewan hugged him close. He was about to protest when he heard the low whisper in his ear. “Get out, as quickly as you can!”

Across the room, Robert nudged Sandy. “See that man, Sergeant? The one crying out about God’s blessing?” Sandy nodded. “That’s Alison’s father, John Porteous, one of the ringleader­s. And that other one, the brawny fellow, whispered something – a warning. You think he could be the man Ogilvie?” “Perhaps. Nab them both and we could learn a lot.” Sandy studied the man in question. “He doesn’t look the sort who’ll tell us what we want to know, sir. He looks a tough one.”

“Perhaps, but the rack and thumbscrew­s can loosen many a tongue.” Excitedly Robert pointed. “See that? Porteous is preparing to leave. He’s been warned off!”

Robert was in a quandary. He’d had no intention of apprehendi­ng any of the alleged spies tonight, despite General Guest’s orders. He’d come simply to observe matters for himself, and only if he saw anything suspicious would he organise a full raid.

But now things were different. Porteous and the man Robert now believed could be the Jacobite agent Ogilvie were obviously worth arresting. Quickly he made the decision.

“We’ll go for Porteous and the other. Two big fish caught in the net! We can return another night for more – perhaps other members of the Porteous family,” he added thoughtful­ly.

“Forgive me, sir, but our presence here will be relayed throughout the city within hours. If we do nothing, we’ll have another chance later. The spies will soon return if they believe our suspicions weren’t aroused.”


Robert was not convinced. “No. Best to get the key men. Without leaders the rest will be lost, though taking Alison’s father into custody is hardly likely to endear you to her.”

“I’m not Alison’s favourite person as it is.” Mention of her reinforced Sandy’s intention of finding out how the girl was faring. He watched Ellie and Kirsty as they attended to the tables, hoping to catch their attention.

Robert was impatient to carry out his decision. “Is the front door the only way in? No rear exits?”

Sandy shook his head. “Right, how much help do you need to take the younger man, Ogilvie?”

“None, sir.” Sandy sneered. “I can handle him. Besides, that fellow might not be him.”

Robert addressed the other soldiers. “Station yourselves at the entrance and make sure those two men don’t escape.” He pointed at Porteous and his companion, who were sidling to the door. “Sergeant Mccrae will escort them from the premises. We don’t want trouble,” he cautioned. “Let’s get this done with the minimum of fuss. ”

Robert allowed himself a doubt about not having armed his party with muskets. He had not intended action of this sort, and that apart, he felt weapons were out of place in what was almost a church.

Sandy strolled across the room to stand beside the two men. Ewan raised an eyebrow. “Can I help you?” “Aye, you can,” Sandy said, his voice calm. “My name is Mccrae. Perhaps you’d both accompany me? We have some questions to which we believe you have answers.”

“We? Oh, you mean the dashing captain over there. You wish us to join you both?” Ewan’s face was open and innocent.

“No, sir, I wish you and Mr Porteous here to return with us to the castle.”

“Am I under arrest then, Sergeant?” John Porteous looked surprised.

“You might say that, sir.”

“And you wish us to go with you now?”

“Yes. I have men I can call upon if you refuse. I hope that won’t prove necessary.”

“And here I thought you were a friend of Alison’s,” John said, “not an army sergeant.”

To Sandy’s relief Ogilvie raised his hands in a helpless gesture. “If you insist, Sergeant. Come, John.”

“Is everything all right, Ewan?” Ellie Chalmers asked anxiously.

“No, Ellie, it is not!” John blurted out. “This man – the very same who wormed his way into my daughter’s affections – is now placing us under virtual arrest. On what charges I do not yet know.”


“Don’t be alarmed.” Ewan smiled confidentl­y at Ellie. “We’re only being taken to the castle for a chat with the good captain over there.”

“But –” She stopped short as Ewan put a finger to his lips. “Hush. We’ll be fine, don’t you worry. Now, then, Sergeant, let’s be on our way.”

Robert was amazed. Was this the feared assassin? This meek, mild-mannered man? It was not the reputation he’d built up. Robert watched as Sandy led Ogilvie and John Porteous to the door, closely followed by Ellie Chalmers, whose eyes reflected her concern.

Stepping into the dark passageway, Sandy reached out to push his two captives forward – and immediatel­y staggered back as Ewan’s fist slammed into his stomach. The blow drove the breath from his body and he slumped to his knees. Through his pain he heard Ewan cry out. “Flee if ye can, John!”

As John raced away Ewan looked wildly around, then started towards the stairs, only to stop abruptly as a scream rent the air.

It came from the top landing where Alison Porteous stood, dishevelle­d, swaying and terrorstri­cken, staring down at him.

More tomorrow.

Glens of Stone was previously a serial in The People’s Friend. There’s more great fiction in The People’s Friend every week, £1.30 from newsagents and supermarke­ts.

 ??  ?? Artwork: Mandy Dixon
Artwork: Mandy Dixon

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