The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Women still getting worse state pension deal than men: Which?

- Vicky shaw

Men are still getting a better state pension deal than women – to the tune of nearly £29,000 over the course of a typical 20-year retirement – research by Which? suggests.

The consumer group’s analysis of Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) data found the average man receives £153.86 a week and the average woman receives £125.98.

The findings were based on Which?’s analysis of nearly 12.9 million people receiving the state pension, of whom 546,000 are new state pensioners and 12,333,000 are people who are on the pre-2016 state pension.

The new state pension was launched in April 2016, to sweep away complexiti­es in the old state pension system, and applies to people retiring since then.

Those who may find themselves better off under the new state pension system include people who have been self-employed or who have taken time out of work to care for family members.

Usually people will need at least 10 years of qualifying national insurance (NI) contributi­ons to get the new state pension – and 35 years of contributi­ons to get the full amount. Contributi­ons could come from paying in or getting credits, for instance for caring for a family.

Which? also identified that someone getting their pension under the old system which existed until April 2016 may find themselves worse off compared with new recipients.

It found that people who had qualified for their pension since the new system was introduced typically received £12.54 more per week than those under the old system – adding up to a difference of £13,041 over a 20-year retirement.

In the past, women have often found themselves getting a smaller state pension than men due to taking time out of work to care for family members.

The DWP told Which? the new state pension is already reducing the gap between men and women.

It said: “Around 650,000 women reaching state pension age in the first 10 years will receive an average of £8 per week (in 2015/16 earnings terms) more, due to the new state pension valuation of their National Insurance record.”

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