The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Feeling fruity

John has tried growing many fruits over 20 years. And he has discovered conditions have to be just right to ensure success...


G ardening is no longer just about growing a few basic fruit and vegetables.

There is such a variety of different plants to grow, and with climate change, we can now try a few exotics that previously would only be considered in the warmer southern end of UK.

Over the last 20 years, I have tried figs, peaches, outdoor grapes and autumn raspberrie­s and strawberri­es, cherries, saskatoons and aronias.

Only goji let me down, failing to fruit after four years.

When exotics work, they can cause a lot of interest and provide a great gardening challenge.

Many, however, require warmer sheltered locations on fertile but very well drained soil.


Figs need a warm spot to ripen its fruits, so plant against a south-facing wall or fence.

It can grow into a very large bush or small tree, so plant it in a prepared pit 18 inches deep lined with slabs to restrict root growth.

Back-fill the pit with broken brick for drainage then add about nine inches of fertile soil to get it started.

It will then concentrat­e on producing fruit.

Brown Turkey is the best variety for outdoors in Scotland.

I got 190 ripe fruits last year.


Black Hamburg is very popular under glass, but now many people are trying a few hardy varieties outdoors on warm south facing walls.

I grow the ornamental variety Brant on my south facing house wall.

It is very successful, with a regular 100 bunches every year.

They are small, but the black grapes are very sweet and juicy.

These get used for a delicious sweet grape juice for immediate use or it can be frozen.

I have also tried several others, but so far only Phoenix, Rondo and Regent are successful.

As they all have pips, they are great for wine but not dessert.


Outdoor peaches can suffer from disease, so I am trying Avalon Pride which has some peach-leaf curl resistance.

It also flowers late, so is less likely to get the flowers damaged by a late frost, but I still hand pollinate the flowers as there are not too many flying insects around at that time.

Cherries and Goji (Wolfberry)

I am trying Cherokee grafted onto a new very dwarfing rootstock called Gisela 5, trained as a fan on a south-facing fence.

When exotics work, they can cause a lot of interest and provide a great gardening challenge

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