The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Sturgeon’s Indyref2 gamble


Sir, – As the final attempt to reach a post-brexit Scottish deal most likely fails in the House of Lords, events are progressin­g as Nicola Sturgeon had always hoped.

Since David Cameron announced the EU referendum, the prospect, then the reality of Brexit has been Ms Sturgeon’s most cherished Indyref2 trigger.

She ignores that Brexit means 134 new powers come to Holyrood for the first time. Ms Sturgeon’s focus is division so she concentrat­es on the additional 24 powers to be transferre­d gradually to preserve the integrity of the UK single market a market of no interest to the SNP politicall­y yet vital to Scottish jobs.

As the SNP orchestrat­ed drama moves to the Supreme Court, it seems likely the questionab­le Holyrood Continuity Bill will be deemed illegal, denying Holyrood authority over the contested powers.

Yet undeterred Ms Sturgeon will persist in using Brexit as a justificat­ion for Indyref2. Theresa May will of course repeat her ‘now is not the time’ mantra and bingo! Cue much SNP establishm­ent faux outrage. Then, with opinion polls persistent­ly against her, Ms Sturgeon achieves her goal – a grievance which she hopes will grant her a majority in the 2021 Holyrood election and Indyref2 by 2023. By then she hopes to persuade a few hundred thousand more of us that separating Scotland from our largest trading partner is sound economic sense. Martin Redfern. Woodcroft Road, Edinburgh.

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