The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

New name but same vital service


A celebratio­n event was held at Carnoustie’s Philip Hall to mark Carnoustie Community Helpline changing its name.

The charity, which takes people from Carnoustie to medical appointmen­ts, had to register under a new name as it underwent the process of becoming a SCIO charity.

It will now be known as Carnoustie Medical Transport Helpline.

The helpline was founded in 1981 by Dr Sandy Mckendrick and Canon Douglas Mackay.

In 2010 it was awarded The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service.

Dr Mckendrick attended the event to launch the charity’s new name on Wednesday evening.

Meanwhile the group – which makes around 30 trips a month from the Angus town to Ninewells Hospital in Dundee – is looking for more volunteers to drive or answer the phone.

Tom Mckay from the group said: “The new name makes it clearer what we do as some people thought it was a general community helpline for all sorts of things.

“Nothing else about what we do has changed. We are still all volunteers, and drivers use their own vehicles.

“We’re always looking for more volunteers — we are short of people to man the phone and drivers.

“It is a much appreciate­d service to the community.”

Anyone who can help the group is asked to contact Tom on 01241 852535.

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