The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Councillor ‘horrified’ by ‘savage and selfish’ vandalism at park.

CRIME: Sledgehamm­er taken to walls, seating destroyed and graffiti at park

- Jim millar

A shelter at Arbroath’s Victoria Park has been seriously damaged by vandals for a third time in a matter of days, with the latest incident costing the taxpayer more than £1,000.

The historic park, which is popular with nature lovers, dog walkers and outdoor enthusiast­s, has been targeted by vandals on a number of occasions in recent years, with drivers damaging grassed areas, forcing the local authority to erect wooden barriers.

Previously, the iconic pillars at the entrance to the park had been “tagged” with paint as part of a spate of vandalism in the town involving spray paint.

The latest incident involved a bin next to the shelter being set on fire, which completely destroyed it.

One angry dog walker took to social media to vent her outrage, posting: “My husband goes to war and pays extortiona­te taxes for the likes of the pond scum who thought it was OK to do this!”

Wooden seating within the shelter was also destroyed, and walls suffered significan­t damage, leaving brickwork exposed, with some speculatin­g that a heavy tool such as a sledgehamm­er was used in the attack.

However, it has been confirmed that the damage was caused by youths who were caught in the act.

A spokesman for Angus Council said: “Vandalism is both senseless and disgracefu­l. Every act of vandalism, whether it’s breaking something, graffiti or another act, not only costs the taxpayer money but it spoils things for others. In this instance, the damage will cost over £1,000 to repair.

“Our officer challenged the youths at the weekend who were vandalisin­g the shelters and we are in touch with Police Scotland to help with their inquiries.”

Despite this, a police press officer said they had no record of the crime.

Arbroath East and Lunan Independen­t councillor Lois Speed said: “I have been down to the Victoria Park and I’m absolutely horrified at the mindless act of vandalism and damage that has been done, and I couldn’t quite believe just how ruined the seating area is. This has been a very savage and selfish act of vandalism that I just can’t comprehend.

“I understand that youths were involved, but I want to take this opportunit­y to stress that the vast majority of our young citizens are responsibl­e and a credit to our communitie­s. We cannot tar everyone with the same brush.

“I would urge anyone with any informatio­n to come forward and help police with their inquiries. This type of behaviour cannot be tolerated.”

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 ?? Reid. Picture: Paul ?? Damage caused by vandals at Arbroath’s Victoria Park will cost more than £1,000 to put right.
Reid. Picture: Paul Damage caused by vandals at Arbroath’s Victoria Park will cost more than £1,000 to put right.

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