The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Man gets 10 months in prison for smashing glass in woman’s face

COURT: Victim left with permanent scar following assault after a drinking session at her Montrose home

- Jamie beatson

A man smashed a glass in a woman’s face leaving her with a massive wound, then called police claiming he was the victim.

Mark Davidson was jailed for 10 months after he admitted assaulting Claire Milne during a drinking session at her home in Montrose.

Dundee Sheriff Court heard Davidson had gone to Miss Milne’s home after she had finished work at a leisure centre. They shared a takeaway and a bottle of vodka.

In the early hours of May 1 last year an argument started and Davidson called police claiming he had been “harassed by a drunk woman”.

Depute fiscal Joanne Smith said Davidson told police he was going to leave the property but before he did, he turned and smashed the tumbler he was holding into Miss Milne’s face.

The attack left her with a two-inch long, one-inch wide cut that will leave a permanent scar.

Miss Smith said: “She was bleeding heavily and was covered in glass fragments.

“About this time the accused left the location and contacted police.

“He stated he had been at the scene and had been struck by a glass and had a bleeding hand.

“The complainer’s mother attended and found her bleeding from the head, her clothes covered in blood and blood pooling on the sofa.

“She was described as hysterical. Police traced the accused and he said Miss Milne had been acting strangely and aggressive­ly and stated she had thrown the glass at him.

“The complainer was taken to hospital for treatment and had an injury to the left side of her forehead behind and above the eye.

“The wound was two inches in length and between half an inch and an inch wide.

“She was advised by medical staff that it would unfortunat­ely leave a permanent scar.”

Davidson, 33, of Garrison Road, Montrose, pled guilty on indictment to a charge of assault to severe injury and permanent disfigurem­ent.

Sheriff Alastair Carmichael jailed Davidson for 10 months.

She was bleeding heavily and was covered in glass fragments. DEPUTE FISCAL JOANNE SMITH

 ??  ?? Mark Davidson initially claimed he was the victim after he left a woman with a large cut on her face.
Mark Davidson initially claimed he was the victim after he left a woman with a large cut on her face.

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