The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Thundersto­rms in Greece are just not what we signed up for

- Lucy Penman

This week’s helping of mince (or insightful, pithy comment, depending on your taste) comes to you from Greece. I know, there is no limit to my selflessne­ss when it comes to broadening my horizons on your account.

But before you start feeling resentful, allow me to let you know that, even though I am lucky enough to be a) on holiday and b) in a beautiful place, IT IS RAINING and has been on and off since we arrived. This was not what we signed up for.

I realise this counts as a First World problem, but really? Greece? Raining? On our guaranteed sunshine holibags? For which we booked an adults-only hotel, as we have become those people we used to despise when we had a small child in tow.

The Student blew us out as she had far more exciting offers for the university holidays and was frankly horrified that we were heading off to a well-known party island, much favoured by school leavers. “Oh my actual god, you’re not going there, it’ll be soooooo embarrassi­ng.”

Since we are in the more quiet and refined part of the island, we have no access to a banana boat or a how-many-shots-can-you-downbefore-vomiting pirate party ship, but believe me, when the weather turns either option would be quite tempting. For the problem with an unexpected thundersto­rm is the grumpiness that ensues – mainly from me, as Mr P is like a pig in you-know-what because the World Cup is on.

As my regular reader is aware, he basically sees any summer holiday as a wee blip in his conscienti­ous monitoring of whatever sporting event happens to be on. He is now in cahoots with a young waiter who has been more than willing to risk losing his job by sneaking regular looks at his ipad to keep Mr P updated on goals while we enjoy lunch or dinner.

However, in BREAKING NEWS: The sun has come out! We are saved! No more “Don’t worry, there are four games on today”. I guess we’ll soldier on after all.

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