The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Good city deal is key to region’s success


The Tay Cities Deal is crucial to the region’s economy. It has been much hailed by civic leaders and politician­s of all colours at all levels of government. That is of no great surprise, given the deal will see up to £1 billion worth of investment injected into the Dundee, Perth, Angus and north Fife economies in the years ahead.

It has, however, had a chequered existence to this point, having been briefly threatened by David Cameron’s departure from Downing Street in the wake of the UK’S vote to leave the European Union, while murmurs of disquiet have also come from some who feel their slice of the pie is shrinking as negotiatio­ns continue.

Two years after it was first announced, however, politician­s are still squabbling about the agreement with genuine concern no doubt being mixed with some point scoring opportunis­m.

It is correct that proper scrutiny takes place on the timing to ensure this is not simply kicked into the long grass, while a close eye must also be kept on its content given the deal must have a transforma­tive effect on the region.

DCT Media executive chairman Ellis Watson, who served as chairman of the Tay Cities Enterprise Executive, has said the deal is two months from completion.

This should be welcome news by all those involved in public life who have the region’s best interests at heart. They will no doubt closely scrutinise what is put forward.

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