The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Bollan angry over call-off due to pitch safety fears


Cowdenbeat­h manager Gary Bollan compared Elgin City’s bone-dry Borough Briggs surface to an old ash pitch after Saturday’s League Two fixture was postponed for safety reasons.

Referee Gavin Ross pulled the plug on the match in Moray after Cowdenbeat­h raised concerns over the state of the park due to gravel and sharp stone on the surface.

The SPFL could now choose to punish Elgin for the late call-off, with Bollan unable to hide his anger over the wasted away trip.

He said: “It was worse than it would have been playing on an old ash pitch. When the safety of the players is a concern, I think the referee is (obliged) to call it off.

“It’s massively disappoint­ing. With the stones on it, it is a hazard for players because if you’ve got defenders defending and they’ve got to slide in and they’re going to rip their leg off.

“When we saw it we pointed it out to the referee and he had a look and I think he said himself it was dangerous.

“It was the referee who called the game off, his call.

“If he said the game was on, we would have been happy enough to play because we have got a full squad up here today.”

Elgin chairman Graham Tatters insists the Borough Briggs surface was no worse than it had been for earlier home games this season, although it is understood members of some visiting clubs and even some home players had previously raised concerns.

The City official said: “There is just nothing we can do. It’s not a new problem. It was like this for the last home game and the one before that.

“The referees have mentioned it to us, but just said they were marking us down. The games went ahead.

“I’ve got no argument with the decision today, it is what it is – but I can’t change it. We need water and we need growth and we can’t get it.”

A handful of Beath supporters were also left high and dry for Saturday’s 340-mile round trip.

 ??  ?? Cowden boss Gary Bollan was unhappy over the wasted trip.
Cowden boss Gary Bollan was unhappy over the wasted trip.

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