The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Challenge could burn off those Christmas calories


Eating mince pies, or riding 500km in eight days – I know which I would rather be doing. What will you be doing on Christmas Day? If the answer is out riding your bike, then either Santa has left you a shiny, new bike under the Christmas tree, or you are taking part in the annual Rapha Festive 500.

In 2009, Rapha designer, Graeme Raeburn clocked up 1,000km over a period of eight days between Christmas and New Year. Realising that 1,000km was a masochisti­c challenge the following year, he introduced the idea to Rapha customers and set them the challenge to ride 500km between Christmas Eve and Hogmanay.

In 2017 82,420 riders from all over the world took part, with only 17,373 of those managing to complete the full distance. Each rider who completes the challenge will receive a commemorat­ive cloth patch, or if you choose a digital one Rapha will make a donation to World Bicycle Relief.

There are also prizes to be won for the best stories shared using the hash-tag #Festive500. In 2016 the winner was a Welsh police officer who submitted seven hand-painted postcards. She addressed them to her deceased father and on them detailed her rides around the Welsh countrysid­e.

Another rider detailed how he completed the challenge while undergoing chemothera­py. One rider in the UK started his ride at midnight on Christmas Eve and completed the 500km in under 24 hours.

Since 2013 I have attempted to complete it, failing on each occasion, usually finding family commitment­s and bad weather have been my undoing.

My first ever recorded ride on Strava was a 23-mile ride on Christmas Eve at 7pm, entitled Blizzard, Thunder and Gale Force Winds – Rapha 500 Day 1. It was an inauspicio­us to my Festive 500 career. I have come relatively close: last year I got to 400km – that last 100km seemed a long way off as I came down with a sore throat and cough. One of my usual rides in the Festive 500 is a 100-mile jaunt to see the in-laws in Glasgow on Boxing Day. Last year was no exception and saw me ride over a snowy and icy Duke’s Pass in the Trossachs.

I have signed up again and plan, as I have every year, to complete the challenge.

On the surface it seems more than manageable – 63km each day, which at any other time of the year is more than manageable, but from experience, I know this is far from the truth at this time of year. So, for 2018 I have my assault of the 500 planned. I have blocked off the time in my diary around other commitment­s and let my family know, so I won’t be sidetracke­d. I have weighted the challenge to get a big ride on Christmas Eve, to give myself a buffer towards the end of the challenge.

Despite all this, I know that it will still be difficult. The weather is always a major factor and no matter how much I plan ahead there are always unplanned family occasions that pop up to throw a stick into my spokes.

Ultimately, succeed or fail, it doesn’t really matter. What matters is that I will be motivated to get out on my bike and ride, making that glass of wine and a mince pie seem all the sweeter. The Festive 500 starts on Christmas Eve, so you have a chance to sign up, but if you don’t fancy the full challenge, why not make up your own, such as completing five rides between Christmas Eve and Hogmanay. Whatever you do, have a great Christmas and ride safely.

Join the Blazing Saddles Strava Club at: Blazingsad­dlesweeken­dcourier

Where: Glenfoot/ Glenfarg circular road ride

Start: Baiglie Inn, Aberargie OS Landranger 1:50000 Map 58 NO 160159

Distance: 13miles/ 20km

Details:starting at the Baigle Inn this route can be ridden in either direction. If riding clockwise, ride along the A913 before turning right at Glenfoot. Continue on past Glen Tarkie before going the A91. At Gateside turn right onto the A912 and descend back to Aberargie.

 ??  ?? A ride out in the winter can help to chase away the cobwebs.
A ride out in the winter can help to chase away the cobwebs.
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