The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Abuse support group’s anger after secret snapper avoids jail

COURT: Man who took pictures of girls claims photograph­y was a hobby


A Dundee group for sexual abuse survivors has voiced anger after a man who secretly photograph­ed schoolgirl­s around the city walked free from court.

Craig Smith, 43, followed young females on foot and in his car, taking covert photograph­s of their legs and buttocks over a five-year period.

He also admitted downloadin­g indecent images of children.

Smith, of Dudhope Gardens, was ordered to complete 180 hours of unpaid work and was placed under supervisio­n and on the sex offenders register for three years.

Heather Williams, manager at Dundee Women’s Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre, said: “The message this gives to women and girls is that their right to bodily autonomy and not to have photos taken of them without their consent is not taken seriously by the system which should be enforcing this.

“Women and girls should be able to go about their lives including walking down the street without having to deal with someone feeling they are entitled to take pictures of their bodies.”

I’m not satisfied that there’s a significan­t sexual element. It is libelled as a breach of the peace. SHERIFF LORNA DRUMMOND

Tempers flared outside the court when Smith emerged with a hood covering his face and ran to his car to avoid being photograph­ed by the media.

Members of the public shouted and chased after him, before police officers stepped in to calm the situation.

Smith, who claimed to be a hobby photograph­er, amassed a collection of 10,738 images and videos.

However, Sheriff Lorna Drummond ruled there was no “significan­t sexual element” to his actions.

He will continue to work at a city architectu­re firm, the court heard.

Sentencing him, Sheriff Drummond said: “I’m not satisfied that there’s a significan­t sexual element.

“It is libelled as a breach of the peace – essentiall­y taking photograph­s.”

Between 2010 and 2015 Smith photograph­ed girls at the Overgate centre, on Perth Road, at cafés, takeaways, pedestrian crossings and on public transport.

When caught by police, he claimed he enjoyed taking “candid” shots where the subjects were unaware they were being photograph­ed.

Smith admitted a charge of breaching the peace by taking photograph­s and videos of females without their knowledge and consent between August 13 2010 and May 23 2015.

He also pled guilty to making, or permitting to be made, indecent images of children between September 9 2018 and March 22 2018 at his home address.

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