The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Forfar man admitted breaking order not to approach woman


An Angus man previously branded a danger to women has appeared from custody to admit a breach of a non-harassment order (NHO) set up to protect his ex-partner.

Friends of the victim spotted Kevin Mccallum staring up at the flat of his former girlfriend.

The 32-year-old appeared from custody at Forfar Sheriff Court after his arrest in the wake of the September 26 incident.

The domestic offender – described by one sheriff as posing a risk to any female with whom he comes into contact – has served a string of jail terms over a catalogue of offences including attacking and stalking former partners.

Mccallum, of Strathmore Avenue, Forfar, admitted breaching the NHO on September 26 in an offence which depute fiscal Jill Drummond said happened around 10pm.

She told the court witnesses driving along the road saw Mccallum in the street outside the flat.

Police were called by Mccallum’s ex and he was arrested at Forfar Community Campus on Wednesday, the court heard.

Defence solicitor Nick Markowski said Mccallum had “taken fright” after going to the woman’s home to retrieve a key, and accepted the order was in place banning him from going within 50 metres of her property.

Sheriff Jillian Martin-brown deferred sentence until October 31 for a criminal justice report to be prepared.

Mccallum previously served almost three years behind bars for a string of verbal and physical assaults on former partners.

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