The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Civilised route to indy Scotland


Madam, – Mr Sutherland of Stonehaven (UK union more important than EU link, Courier October 2) is clearly a dyed in the wool unionist who I know I will never dissuade from his beliefs, any more than he could turn me from mine.

If he feels I am part of a “nationalis­t cult”, then it is no different from him being in a “unionist cult”.

As we have come to expect, Mr Sutherland goes with the usual attack on our education system here in Scotland.

I would not expect him to make comparison­s with the rest of the union where they are no better off education-wise than in Scotland, and in some places, worse off.

Where their university students run up huge debt caused by necessary loans in order to repay their tuition fees, Scotland has free tuition for our students,

a scheme brought in by our present SNP Government.

This allows our youth to prosper in a future Scotland, to help build our country into something great in the future free from the shackles of loan repayment which in lots of cases can take many years.

Mr Sutherland also makes reference to the “nationalis­t government as being, happily, studiously, embroiled in Scexit” (new word to me,

which I assume means Scottish exit). Well, what else would you expect of a party hell bent in independen­ce for our nation? Good on them!

Mr Sutherland may not understand that not all nationalis­ts are in full favour of an SNP Government once we are independen­t.

Many who I associate with actually believe a coalition may be the best start, with all parties pulling together to set our country off on a good footing.

You see, we are not all mad, claymore swinging fanatics, ready to cross the border and seize our independen­ce by whatever means.

We will do it in a civilised manner through the ballot box.

And we will get there. Robert Donald. Denhead Farm, Ceres.

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