The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

‘Model citizen’ drove while over legal limit

Man pushed woman and was thrown out of pub before getting behind the wheel


A “model citizen” who was almost six times over the drink-drive limit when he sped past a pub minutes after pushing over a pensioner has been banned from the road for four years.

Connor Simpson will also carry out 200 hours of unpaid work and be made the subject of a curfew for four months for the May incident, sparked by a drunken fall-out with his girlfriend.

Simpson gave a breath alcohol reading of 128 microgramm­es – nearly six times the legal limit of 22. The 23-year-old admitted charges of assault and drink-driving on May 16.

Forfar Sheriff Court heard the couple had been drinking in Montrose’s Albert Bar at around 10.30pm.

The 63-year-old female assault victim was speaking to Simpson’s girlfriend when the accused pushed her, causing her to fall back and hit her head on the pub’s jukebox.

She did not require medical attention but Simpson, of Condor Crescent, Montrose, was thrown out of the pub. A few minutes later the screeching of tyres was heard and his red Audi sped past the premises.

Depute fiscal Jill Drummond said:

He can’t give any explanatio­n for driving it, other than being extremely intoxicate­d and not thinking straight. SOLICITOR NICK MARKOWSKI

“Police arrived and saw the accused walking from the car park back towards the premises.

“The keys were found on him and he admitted he had been driving.”

Defence solicitor Nick Markowski said the painter and decorator was extremely drunk and had stormed away from his girlfriend after a row.

“Unfortunat­ely the complainer got in the way and he pushed her. She is a family friend of his girlfriend and he has since apologised personally to her.

“He stormed from the pub, the car was parked nearby and he probably drove 250 yards.

“He can’t give any explanatio­n for driving it, other than being extremely intoxicate­d and not thinking straight.

“Binge drinking was a feature of almost every weekend but the days out and drinking heavily have almost completely diminished.”

The solicitor added: “He has a good work ethic. When he was last ordered to carry out unpaid work he was given the job of decorating the British Legion.

“He did his hours but the job wasn’t finished and he went back and completed it, which is a reflection of his work ethic.”

Sheriff Gregor Murray told Simpson: “In all respects bar one you are a model citizen.

“That one respect is what happens when you get drunk.

“This is a case where I would be perfectly entitled to send you to jail and this will be your third community payback order but there is an alternativ­e to prison.”

The tagging order will confine Simpson to his home between 8pm and 5am daily.

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