The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

I expect to be arrested

Michael Alexander speaks to exiled former Catalan education minister and St Andrews University professor Clara Ponsati


Seated in her basement office at the St Andrews University School of Economics and Finance, it’s business as usual for Professor Clara Ponsati as she finishes off a late afternoon tutorial for students and takes a moment to admire the tranquil views of the North Sea outside her window.

It’s a world away from the mass protests and violent clashes seen in Catalonia this week in response to nine civil and political leaders being jailed for between nine and 13 years for their role in Catalonia’s outlawed 2017 independen­ce referendum.

But when The Courier catches up with the 62-year-old exiled former Catalan education minister for an exclusive interview, perhaps not surprising­ly she reveals that her heart is with her former Catalan political colleagues who are now languishin­g in Spanish jails as she waits to see whether the Spanish authoritie­s, as expected, will serve a new European arrest order against her.

“We were expecting very tough sentences,” she says when asked about last week’s events and the protests that have followed.

“The fact that we had such a dramatic trial with people being in prison for two years without bail.

“They were not doing that just to make justice. So in a way it was expected.

“But still once it gets confirmed it’s a big shock – as we’ve seen with the protests in Barcelona and Catalonia. People are really outraged.”

It’s almost two years since Professor Ponsati fled Spain via Belgium having been accused, alongside other Catalan leaders, of violent rebellion and misappropr­iation of public funds over the disputed referendum which saw Catalonia declare unilateral independen­ce from Spain.

Having returned to work at St Andrews University, the proindepen­dence Catalan politician was arrested by Scottish police in March last year after Madrid issued a European arrest warrant for an extraditio­n trial.

Spain withdrew the warrant four months later in what her lawyer Aamer Anwar described as a “humiliatin­g climbdown”.

However, her battle against extraditio­n from Scotland has not gone away, and following the serving of a new arrest warrant against deposed Catalan president Carles Puigdemont who handed himself into Belgian police this week, Professor Ponsati expects Spain to serve another warrant against her imminently.

“I am expecting another order of arrest being issued against me any day now,” she says, “because that is what they (Spain) have said they were going to do after the sentences were published.

“But they haven’t yet. I thought it was imminent a few days ago but nothing has happened.

“Maybe they are waiting to see what Belgium does with president Puigdemont. I don’t know. I’m just waiting…”

A life-long Catalan patriot, the Barcelona-born academic says she’s “learned to live with the sort of stress” she’s now experienci­ng as a so-called fugitive.

“It doesn’t affect me much,” she insists, adding that she would rather face the charges “than be in this limbo forever”.

If and when another warrant is issued, she will hand herself in to be arrested by Scottish police and it will be up to a Scottish judge to decide if she should be extradited for trial.

As she awaits her potential date with destiny, however, it’s her faith in the independen­t scrutiny of the Scottish justice system that keeps her going, and she is confident that the next time she returns to Spain – and Catalonia – it will be as a free person.

“I totally trust Scottish justice,” she says. “I think it is quite clear it’s a politicall­y motivated prosecutio­n (by Spain). I believe that any fair judge would see that as well. So I don’t expect to go back to Spain.

“I have this faith in the Scottish system. My lawyer and the team of advocates who would be acting in court are also very strong. But I think in this case it’s also very clear we have a good case.”

Specialisi­ng in game theory – analysing strategic behaviour by taking into account how participan­ts expect others to behave – and political economy, and having worked in academia worldwide, Professor Ponsati was the director of the School of Economics and Finance at St Andrews University from January 2016 before being seconded in July 2017 to the Ministry of Education of the Generalita­t of Catalonia.

Since mid-2016, she has been a member of the national secretaria­t of the Catalan National Assembly.

After the Catalan declaratio­n of independen­ce on October 27, 2017, Professor Ponsati, president

 ?? Picture: Getty. ?? Clara Ponsati fled Spain having been accused, alongside other Catalan leaders, of violent rebellion and misappropr­iation of public funds.
Picture: Getty. Clara Ponsati fled Spain having been accused, alongside other Catalan leaders, of violent rebellion and misappropr­iation of public funds.

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