The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Sensible steps to protect planet


Sir, – In reference to Craig Smith’s article, “Fight for climate crisis needs more friends, not enemies”, The Courier, October 21, regarding the recent Extinction Rebellion demonstrat­ions.

Craig Smith was very diplomatic.

Firstly, I think people need to do more in the home to protect the environmen­t.

This includes recycling, reducing wasteful consumeris­m, and cutting down or eradicatin­g purchases of single use plastic.

In addition, we should be using energy efficient electrical goods, and keeping food waste to a minimum, to name a few measures.

Unfortunat­ely some statements made in the climate change debate recently are a gross exaggerati­on of how climate change will affect us.

For example, the addresses given to children taking days off school in climate change protests.

Telling them they will probably die in the next 10 years is more likely to cause mass hysteria than an acute awareness of their personal responsibi­lity to make a positive change.

Secondly, do or have any of the Extinction Rebellion demonstrat­ors ever used disposable nappies? How complete is their commitment to the cause?

And what of natural phenomena, such as volcanic eruptions?

Are we to just keep our fingers crossed that none of the active volcanoes in the world erupt?

Krakatoa in the Sea of Java erupted in the late 1800s, blocking out the sun for almost six months and creating more harmful emissions and environmen­tal damage than the industrial world did in the whole of the 19th Century.

It’s fantastic that children are growing up with an awareness of protecting and preserving the environmen­t.

But rather than them bunking off school, why don’t schools have a day where they go to their local beaches with bin liners and a gripper to collect all the harmful plastics that make their way into our oceans, killing turtles, seals etc and poisoning our fish. Elizabeth Moffat. Lochgelly, Fife.

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