The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Dundee crack addict stabbed police officers with needle.

COURT: Two officers had anxious wait to find out if they had contracted Hep C


Two police officers faced an anxious wait to find out if they had been infected after being stabbed with a syringe by a crack addict with Hepatitis C.

The officers had to take prophylact­ic HIV treatment and a Hep B vaccinatio­n before they were eventually cleared by doctors.

Heroin addict Amanda Fleming was jailed for 37 months for injuring the officers and stabbing a friend in the face during a separate incident.

Depute fiscal Chris Macintosh told Perth Sheriff Court officers had to force their way into the drugs den flat in Dundee’s Hilltown Court on May 27.

“The accused locked herself in the bathroom and four officers had to force entry. They found her naked from the waist down.

“She had both fists clenched. “They took hold of her wrists. She was holding a hypodermic needle.

“She moved her hand round and deliberate­ly stuck the needle into the hand of (one officer). She shouted that he had been stabbed.

“She was waving it around, shouting that she was going to stab the officers with the needle. The needle struck the second officer on the arm.”

The officers were taken to hospital and the dirty syringe – full of blood – was recovered from the flat. Fleming was found to be Hep C positive.

The court was told Fleming was released on bail and a fortnight later she returned to the drug den and stabbed her friend in the face.

Mr Macintosh said there had been a dispute over items being stolen and Fleming took revenge on her victim by knifing her.

“The accused ran at her while pulling a knife from her waistband. She struck her on the left side of the face with the knife.”

Fleming was granted bail again and broke strict conditions by returning to the flats later the same month.

Fleming, 31, admitted assaulting and injuring a police officer by stabbing her with a needle while she had Hep C.

She admitted injuring another by culpably and recklessly brandishin­g the needle, and uttering threats, on May 27.

She admitted stabbing and injuring the woman in the later incident on June 11 and then breaching bail on June 30.

Solicitor Annika Jethwa, defending, said: “She’s had longstandi­ng drug addiction difficulti­es. She became addicted to crack cocaine.

“She is completely horrified and disgusted by her behaviour.

“She appreciate­s the time the officers have had to wait for their results and that it would be incredibly trying and stressful for them.”

Sheriff Gillian Wade said: “You deliberate­ly stabbed the police officer who was attempting to disarm you. You had no concern for the officers.”

 ??  ?? Amanda Fleming
Amanda Fleming

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