The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Angus pupils’ campaign rolled out across Anti-bullying Week


Angus pupils have played a leading role in shaping a national anti-bullying campaign.

Schools are taking part in a range of activities during Anti-bullying Week, ending tomorrow, with the pupil-led Think B4 U Type campaign on the effect of receiving abusive messages leading the way.

Rachel Talbot, a Brechin High School pupil and organiser, said: “We are doing a visual representa­tion of what it is like to be bullied in personal and social education classes as well as running a poster competitio­n.”

Fellow pupil Aimee Thorne said: “We are wearing odd socks to promote that it is OK to be different.

“Online bullying is a big issue and we all have a role to play in reducing it.”

The young people involved in the campaign will be holding online bullying discussion sessions, showing a film, holding peer support drop-in sessions and giving presentati­ons.

Katie Ferguson, director at respectme, Scotland’s anti-bullying service, said the positive impact of the Angus Think B4 U Type campaign was a testament “to the power of young people to create change in their communitie­s”.

“It’s vital that we genuinely listen to their voices and ensure they have a chance to directly inform our anti-bullying approaches,” she added.

The young people of Angus will be key to the campaign’s continued success as it rolls out across Anti-bullying Week and beyond.

Carla Malseed, NSPCC Scotland campaigns manager, said: “It is extremely heartening to be involved in a campaign that has young people at the core.”

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